Miles stands and gestures to Chloe. “Come on, I’ll show you around and tell you all the gossip I’ve learnt about the staff here.”
Chloe links her arm through Miles as he leads her to the exit. She turns to face me, giving me a soft smile. “I’ll see you soon.”
As soon as the door closes behind them, I turn to see the solemn face of my friend.
“Did you know?” he asks, his voice thick with emotion.
I shake my head. “No. I knew something was going on with her, but it took her a while to open up to me.”
“You better be able to tell me the arsehole is dead already,” he snarls, balling his hands into fists on the table.
I let out a long sigh. “Sadly, no. I have a plan, but executing it has not been easy. His family is protected by yours, and while your father is in charge, in your absence, there’s not much I can do.
“I asked Caleb for permission to punish him, but without going into details about his crime, which I can’t do as Chloe asked me not to tell anyone, he refused.
“If I were to take him out, without Santoro permission, it would be in breech of the peace treaty,” I explain, sounding just as fucking frustrated as I feel.
Jacob bangs his fist on the table.
“Fuck my father. You have my permission. You won’t be breaking the treaty, just deal with him.”
“I wish it were that simple, Jake, but until you get out of here, Caleb is calling the shots, and he’s made that very fucking clear to both me and my father.”
“I don’t give a shit. I’ll back you up with my father, if it comes to that. I just can't bear knowing he’s breathing for another day,” Jake pleads, his voice breaking at the end.
“Okay, we’ll take care of it. But it won’t be a quick or easy death. He made her suffer for two days, and I intend on repaying that back to him,” I snarl, anger coursing through my veins at the thought of what the sick bastard put my girl through.
“Good.” Jake smiles. “Now, tell me what’s going on with you and Chloe.”
I groan, running my hand over my face. “You’ve had a lot of information thrown at you today. I’m not sure this is the best time to have this discussion.”
“So there is a discussion to be had?” he probes, glaring at me with his brows raised.
“Jake,” I warn him.
If he keeps tugging on this thread, I’m not sure he’s going to like what he finds on the other end.
Jake lets out a loud sigh, running his fingers through his hair, making it stick up at allangles.
“Look, I’m not an idiot. I see the way she looks at you, how she’s always looked at you.
“I may have been high most of the time, but I noticed there was something going on with her, even if I ignored it. I’ve also seen a change in her since she came to live with you… A change for the better, and I can’t deny that.”
“I know there’s a lot of reasons why we shouldn’t, my friendship with you being one of them, but we are together.”
My chest almost feels lighter now I’ve admitted it. I think this might be the first time I’ve said the words aloud, and it feels right.
“Together, together? As in, it’s more than just…sex?” He shivers at the last part, cringing as he asks about his sister's sex life.
I chuckle. “I really like her, Jake. It’s not just about sex. I know you’re going to say we can’t be together—a lot of people will say that—but I don’t care. I really like her, and I’m not giving her up. She’s mine, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her.”
His chocolate eyes narrow as he assesses me, the silence between us growing more tense until he finally sighs.
“I’ve never seen you be serious about a girl. I can’t even remember the last time you had a relationship.”
“I’ve never had one. I’ve never wanted one before, then Chloe happened,” I admit, unable to keep the smile off my face when I think about her.
“Look, I’m not thrilled by the idea, but I’m not against it. I see how happy you make her, and there’s nobody I trust to protect her more than you. So, not that you need it, but you have my blessing.”