Page 146 of Prized Possession

“Thank you,” I say, hoping my voice shows just how grateful I am for his words. “I’m just not sure your blessing will be enough.”

Jake’s brow furrows as my smile turns to a scowl. “What do you mean?”

“When people find out about us, it’s not going to go down well. Your parents will be furious, as will Scott and the Caprillos. What I’ve done goes against the rules set out in our bet, but more than that, I’m in breach of the peace treaty. By choosing Chloe, I could start a war between our two families.”

As I voice the worry that’s been on my mind since I first decided I was going to keep Chloe, Jacob grows more pensive and then angry.

“Look, I can’t say exactly what will happen if the news gets out while I’m still in here, but if you can hold off telling anyone until I’m out, then I’ll support you. There’s no way I’d allow our families to go to war over this. I’ll stand by you as much as I can.”

“I knew you’d be a good leader one day,” I tell him, and he waves his hand at me, not wanting to hear the compliment.

“Promise me, you’ll look after her,” Jake says as he stands and rounds the table towards me.

“With my life,” I reply, pulling him in for a hug.

“I’m glad you have each other. You both deserve to be happy,” he tells me, patting me on the back.

I pull away, fixing him with a look that he can’t turn away from.

“So do you. I’m proud of you for taking care of yourself. You deserve happiness too.”

He lets out a small sigh as he nods. “I’m starting to finally believe that.”

We head out of the family room and find Miles and Chloe waiting nearby. We all say our goodbyes, and it feels sad to leave Jake behind, but he’s clearly in the right place.

Miles says he’ll meet us at the car after he’s walked Jake back to his room, so Chloe and I make our way outside, choosing not to comment on how much their friendship seems to have changed recently. I’m glad they’re finally becoming friends again.

Once we get to the car, I spin Chloe around, pinning her against the door with my body. I lean down to capture her lips with mine, kissing her the way I’ve wanted to for the last hour.

As I pull back, I give her a bright smile as I keep my gaze on her.

“I’m so proud of you. I know today wasn’t easy, seeing Jake here like this, or telling him your secret, but you were really brave.”

She reaches up to wipe a stray tear off her cheek. “I’m worried I overloaded him with information at a time when he’s fragile. What if I set his healing back?”

I reach up and take both her cheeks in my hand, smoothing my thumbs under her eyes.

“I spoke to him afterwards, remember? You haven’t set his healing back. If anything, you’ve made him stronger. He said that if we keep our relationship a secret until he’s out of here, then when he’s back as the Santoro leader, he’ll support us.”

Her eyes widen as her mouth falls open. “Does that mean I won’t have to marry Scott?”

I smile and nod. “Exactly, but there’s so much more. If he condones our relationship, it means I’m not breaching the peace treaty, or breaking the terms of the bet. I won’t have to start a war to keep you.

“If his leader has backed our relationship, Scott isn’t allowed to retaliate. Our relationship would be official, and we wouldn’t have to hurt anyone or start a war for it.”

Chloe squeals and jumps into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waistwhen I catch her. She threads her fingers through the hairs at the nape of my neck and presses her lips against mine.

She kisses me with passion and my heart races as she claims me with her mouth, our tongues mingling as one. I meet her kiss, showing her just how much she means to me.

When she pulls back to draw a breath, her smile brightens up her beautiful face. “I can’t believe I finally get to live the life I want, the life I choose.”

“And what do you choose?” I ask, needing to hear the words.

“I choose you. And I couldn’t be happier with my choice.”

When I woke up the following morning, with Chloe curled up beside me, her long hair fanning in my face as she breathed softly, I felt a peace I wasn’t expecting.

Telling Jake about us was more of a relief than I expected it to be. I knew he wouldn’t be happy that I’m seeing his sister, but to know he’ll stand by us and support our decision means a lot. Not just on a professional level to avoid starting a war, but on a personal one.