‘Oh, you do,’ Paige says. ‘Believe me, you just have to unleash her.’
You in those jeans, were his words to me back in Australia. I look back in the mirror, at the corset that makes my breasts look like I work in a burlesque club.
I can do this.
By ten o’clock, the pub is packed to the rafters and I have no idea where Aidan is.
I’ve spent my evening with Jo-Jo and Paige. Rohan is working behind the bar. We’ve already downed four shots of tequila, and the wine has been flowing all night.
‘I tell you what,’ Jo-Jo slurs in my direction, squeezing my bare shoulder. The children are asleep upstairs and Rohan is also designated driver, meaning that if one of them wakes up, he’s the one who has to deal with it. ‘With the number of looks you are getting… Aidan is going to lose you.’
My mind has flip-flopped again and I’ve convinced myself he’s not interested. That if he was, he would be here. He would be flirting with me. Something. Anything. Instead, he appears to be ignoring my presence.
‘Doesn’t feel like that would bother him right now,’ is my reply over the hubbub.
Paige swallows the last of her glass of white wine. She looks gorgeous in a low-cut white halter neck top and smoky eye make-up.
‘No, no,’ she says, holding up one finger. ‘Remember what I said. People think that because he’s this massive pop star, that he’ll be brimming with confidence when it comes to the opposite sex. So, you’re wrong. Sometimes, he needs a little encouragement.’
Jo-Jo’s smile is wide. ‘With Rohan, I practically had to hold a sign over my head. He still didn’t get that I liked him.’
Rohan hears his name and frowns in our direction.
‘Ro!’ Jo-Jo shouts, beckoning him over. He finishes what he’s doing then wipes his hand on a towel. He braces the bar with two hands and leans forward. His wife leans up, planting a big kiss on his lips. Rohan grins, rolling his eyes playfully at his wife.
‘How much do we think Aidan likes Lexi?’ Jo-Jo shouts to her husband.
Rohan smirks, rubs his beard. ‘I would say… a lot, a lot.’
‘And do we think, left to his own devices, Aidan will do anything about it?’
Rohan cackles, then shakes his head. Several people are trying to get his attention at the bar. ‘Definitely not. He thinks he’s blown it with you, Lexi. Probably thinks he’s not worthy or something.’
With encouragement from Paige and Jo-Jo, I go outside into the garden in search of Aidan. I’m unsteady on my heels, my eyes glassy from the tequila. I have a good enough tolerance for wine: not so much for spirits. My skin bristles in the cold, a shiver going through me, but the alcohol is in my veins, giving me a level of confidence I didn’t possess a few hours ago. Making a loop, I can’t see him anywhere. I push my way through the crowds back inside, but he’s nowhere to be found.
Walking back outside, I take a left, and follow the wall of the house, back around to the red door and Aidan’s little annex.
I press my ear up against the door. I can hear music pulsing on the inside.
There’s no handle, so I rap my knuckles hard on the door.
I’m wearing the bangle he gave me. My blue jeans cling to my every curve, and the shape of the corset means my waist is exposed.
When he opens the door, he looks me up and down and I’m left with a horrible feeling that I’m more drunk than I thought I was.
‘Where’ve you been? You seem to be avoiding everyone,’ I blurt.
It was meant to sound humorous, but it comes out accusatory.
In the shadows, his brow lifts. ‘I’m just in my room. I’m not avoiding anyone.’
‘Feels like you might be avoiding me.’
‘I’m not. I’m just not in the mood for selfies with a hundred total strangers. I asked Paige to keep an eye on you but, clearly, she’s a bad influence.’
I cross my arms over my chest. I haven’t planned this, and it shows. ‘Can I come in?’
He opens the door wider.