‘So… did Aidan give you his gifts?’ Paige asks, nudging my side.
‘He did,’ I tell her with a smile, holding up the bangle.
She raises her eyebrows. ‘And?’ she asks.
I stare at her blankly. ‘And what?’ I ask.
Her shoulders droop. ‘Christ, you two are hard work,’ she laughs. ‘I mean, did… you know… you had a chat… all is forgiven… I like you… you like me, et cetera.’
‘I thanked him for the gifts.’
Paige gives a dissatisfied huff, like Aidan and I are a puzzle to be solved. ‘I’ll admit, I didn’t think I’d see you so quickly at lunch. Did he tell you about Lucy?’
‘In not so many words, yes.’
Paige rolls her eyes, letting her mouth fall open. ‘I swear to god, my brother.’
I giggle. ‘I appreciate your efforts. But maybe there’s… too much water under the bridge.’
‘What’s your outfit for tonight?’
I pick up another plate for the dishwasher. ‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean, what are you wearing?’
‘I, uh, some jeans and this floaty top thing.’
She looks me up and down.
‘What?’ I say.
She takes the plate from my grasp and puts it next to the sink. ‘I have an idea. Come with me.’
‘I cannot wear this,’ I say, ten minutes later, staring at my reflection in the mirror in Paige McArthur’s bedroom, or the bedroom that she still seems to inhabit for half the week.
‘Why not? You look stunning in it.’
‘I’m wearing a corset. I amnota corset-wearing girl.’
‘Lexi, no offence, but I’m going to lay it on thick here. My brother, he likes you. And by that, I mean hereallylikes you. But with the whole Samara thing, he feels like he’s fucked up any chance he had with you.’
‘He told me there’s nothing between him and Samara. Like I told him there’s nothing between me and Duncan.’
Paige throws up her arms in the air. ‘This is Aidan all over. He beats himself up about so many little different things, that he loses sight of what’s important. He’s given you the gifts that he bought you but I guarantee you in his mind, he’ll be telling himself that it’s too little, too late, and I bet it’s awkward as hell between you both, am I right?’
I nod my head, because she’s right.
She places one hand on each of my shoulders. ‘Lexi, do you like my brother?’
I realise I’ve spent so long on my own, focusing on work, that I haven’t really let myself consider what I could lose. I stare at her before I nod again furiously. It feels odd admitting the truth to his sister.
‘Like him more than just your average guy?’
I keep nodding.
‘In that case, you might have to be the one to do all the work. Do you think you can do that for me? You need to show him, yes? Show him you’re interested. Give off all the signals. Summon your inner seductress.’
‘I don’t think I have an inner seductress,’ I mutter.