‘I mean, only if it’s not animposition,’ I add haughtily.

Aidan opens the door wider. ‘It’s not. But I’m pretty sure you’re not going to remember this conversation in the morning.’

‘Of course I am.’

‘Whatever you say, Lex. Paige always gets the tequila out on New Year’s. I should have warned you.’

‘I don’t get you,’ I continue, pacing in front of him. ‘One minute, you hate me. You don’t want me on your tour, you don’t trust me, you think I’m going to break up your precious band… and the next minute, I’m turning you on by sitting in your lap and suddenly you can’t seem to get enough of me. You buy me a ridiculously expensive piece of jewellery and give me a photograph of me with the band, but then act like that’snormal… like you give that shit out like it’s marshmallows or something.’

His eyes fix my gaze and I feel like I’m sinking. ‘Marshmallows?’ he asks.

‘Candy. Sweets. Whatever, you know what I mean. Why did you give me this bangle, then act like it’s no big deal?’

We hear laughter from nearby. He rakes his fingers through his hair. ‘Look, maybe stop yelling at me and come inside, alright?’

I give him a scowl and stomp up the stairs.

When I reach the top, I sway from side to side, catching myself. My cheeks feel hot. It’s mostly dark inside the room. He’s been playing video games.

When he comes up behind me, I stiffen.

‘You want another drink?’ he asks. ‘I’ve only got beer though. Maybe best that you don’t add to the mix.’

‘I can handle my drink,’ I snap and I hate that I don’t seem to be able to control the words coming out of my mouth.

He laughs. ‘You look nice,’ he says, changing the conversation topic.

I look down at the corset. It is not quite sitting flush against my breasts. I grab the bottom hemline and shimmy it back into position.

‘It’s Paige’s. It’s bloody uncomfortable. I can’t believe I agreed to wear this contraption for you.’

He lowers his head. ‘For me?’

‘Yes. Who else am I going to wear it for?’

He doesn’t look my way.

‘You know Paige has a stupid theory about Scorpios and Leos,’ I slur.

He clicks his tongue. ‘I know, she already messaged me about it. My sister likes to stir shit up, remember?’

‘So, you read the bit about them having explosive sexual chemistry?’

He looks awkward. ‘Lex, if you’re angling for something… you should know I’m not gonna sleep with a girl who’s plastered.’

‘I am not plastered,’ I state emphatically, promptly taking a slight tumble in my heels. Steadying myself, I add, ‘See? I amcompletelyfine.’

‘Completely,’ he deadpans. ‘Did you want a seat?’

‘I’ll sit here,’ I say, moving to the bed and kicking off my shoes.

I lean back on my elbows, thrusting my chest out, my stomach on show. ‘When did you stop hating me?’ I hum, ignoring the voice in my head that tells me now might be a good time to stop talking. ‘Was it when I sat in your lap that time? Because I know you’d stopped hating me by then.’

His mouth is set in a grim line. ‘Lex—’

‘I’m just curious, that’s all.’

When he doesn’t answer me, I try a different tack. ‘Does it bother you that I’ve had sex with Duncan?’ I ask.