Page 22 of King of Liars

“The fuck, Two?” Hole asked.

“Don’t you ‘the fuck’ me. You can pull that shit with One all you want, but Boss didn’t ask for that, and you know enough to show some goddamn respect.”

He winced. “Someone getting a crush on the noob?”

I clenched my hand against his throat.

“Trying to hurt me or turn me on?”

“I don’t think you’d care for me to show you the difference.”

“Two,” King shouted from behind me, and I turned to see him on his knees, propped up on the mattress.

Boss looked at me, but then turned away, as though embarrassed by Hole having taken advantage of him.

“He’s out,” I said.

“Excuse me?” King asked, clearly challenging my authority, which I knew well I had none, but I couldn’t stifle the rage Hole had filled me with.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” I said quickly.

“No, I’m glad you’re willing to step in for Boss like this. Hole, you’re out tonight. Get the fuck out of here.”


“You heard me,” King said in that quiet way we all knew meant he was most serious, when challenging his authority meant possible exile, as I’d seen happen before.

“Yeah, you heard him,” I chimed in, turning to him, my nostrils flaring. I could feel the veins in my neck pushing forward.

Hole snarled when I got off him, then rose to his feet.

I could see the desperation in One’s expression as Hole started to grab his clothes.

“Get the fuck out of here!” King yelled, and Hole took what he had in his arms and fled.

Lucky that he grabbed his jeans when he had because he’d had to leave his shoes behind. Would be a couple of blocks for him to get back to his place.

“Boss, are you okay?” King asked, turning back to him.

“I’m fine,” Boss fucking lied—I just knew he was fucking lying.

Liar, liar, liar.

As I pushed to my feet, I could tell King was annoyed at Boss’s reply. “You don’t feel like Hole crossed a line for you? Doing that without your consent. He left a mark.”

“Did he?” Boss asked, checking, looking as defeated as when Hole had taken it on his own to fuck with him like that.

“It’s all right to be upset,” King said.

“It wasn’t cool of him, no, but I’ll be fine,” Boss said.

King seemed relieved by Boss’s honesty about the experience.

I hurried to him and assessed the now red mark on his right ass cheek. “You mind?” I asked, and he consented with a nod to my touching it.

I ran my thumb across it, feeling the warmth from the injury. I had to still the impulse to bolt out of the room and hunt Hole down. He knew better than that. King loved the hell out of a little play like that, but he didn’t know Boss outside of knowing that he wasn’t comfortable with even bottoming that night, let alone being treated like Hole’s bitch.

I leaned down and gently kissed the tender spot.