Page 23 of King of Liars

As soon as I did, I wondered why I’d been possessed by the impulse to do that.

I looked to King, who seemed pleasantly surprised by my response.

“And here I thought you two weren’t hitting it off. Don’t worry, Boss. You’ve done good, and now you can have what you came here for, if that’s still what you want.”

Boss looked around the room, as though Hole’s violation of his body had reminded him of how far he’d come from that first day when he’d been so full of conceit and denial, so sure he wouldn’t let himself succumb to King’s game.

Yet he took a breath, like he’d be damned if he’d come all this way not to get his prize.



Finally, his ass was mine.

I had endured, not only the challenges Sy had put in my way, but Hole being a total bastard.

If I’d expected any of the knights to behave that way with me, it would have been Two, but he’d treated me with nothing but respect, and then fucking stepped up and defended me after Hole had taken liberties.

I hadn’t expected to freeze up. Hell, I should have been the one pushing his ass to the floor for being such a dick, but it had taken me by such surprise…and conjured images from my past.

“Pretty little faggot,”kept replaying in the back of my mind. I wasn’t in the air-conditioned bedroom in North Carolina anymore, but trapped in the thick Georgia humidity, my face pressed against the damp earth. My wrists hadn’t felt free, but as though they were pinned at my sides as Hole’s cock transformed into another that had forced itself within me despite my cries and pleas for it to fucking stop.

Back then, no one had come to my rescue, but this time, Two had rescued me.

Fuck, I felt bad comparing Hole to the assholes from my past. It wasn’t his fault that he had evoked those memories, and it was likely he didn’t even realize he’d done something wrong.

We hadn’t exactly laid a ton of ground rules for what we were doing. Although, when Two had called him out on it, he offered me the validation I needed that I didn’t have to take that kind of shit from any of them.

While I was reflecting on Two’s noble act, Sy lounged back on the bed, sliding his legs apart. “Come here.”

I crawled to him as he lured me in once again.

I took his mouth, then did it again. His kiss was as hypnotic as everything else about him that drove me to madness.

When he pulled back, he said, “Tell me how much you’ve wanted this ass.”

“Desperately. Constantly.” While I felt like such an idiot, I also felt my power returning to me after Hole’s violation.

Sy gasped, his minty breath slamming against my face before my lips mashed down on his once again.

A nudge against my shoulder prompted me to turn to see Two passing me a condom.

“You want me to put it on you?” he asked.

“I’d appreciate it,” I replied.

He rolled the condom on me, providing a few additional, generous strokes that kept me good and hard before One gave me some lube.

King raised his legs on either side of me. He had the slimmest of slits for a hole. Despite getting fucked by these guys all the time, it was clearly as tight as I was fucking hoping.

I was proud of finally reaching this moment. I’d passed the test, made my way through the labyrinth of Sy’s psychological games to reach my destination.

Two’s arm slid around my waist, stroking my abs, encouraging me, as if eager to see me top his king.

At that point, maybeourking.

It was hard for me to be sure—Two really had guided me into Wonderland, and Sy had kept me there so long that it was hard to tell up from down, until none of it mattered except that I enjoyed myself within it.