I love this woman.

“I guess you’re right. It’s just… I don’t know. I’m still hurt by the things he said.”

“I know you are. And I don’t want to pressure you. If you don’t want to come to the game, I’ll completely understand. And so will the ladies.” And I would understand. But I can’t deny that I hope she’ll come. I don’t want Coach to think he’s won. And if we keep hiding our relationship, he will.

Lexi sighs and wraps her arms around my waist. “I do want to get to know Isla and Mira better. Dinner would be fun. And I love watching you play. Your ass looks great in those pants.”

I give her ass a light slap. “You can’t even see our butts in those pants.”

“It’s the mystery of it all.” Silent laughter shakes her body against mine.

“You’re ridiculous.”

“You love it.”

“I do.” I kiss her head. “So, what do you think?”

“I’m in.” She sucks in a deep breath as she meets my gaze. “Your next home game is in two days. That gives me plenty of time to work up my courage.”

Courage is something Lexi has in spades, even if she doesn’t realize it. Hell, she faced off with me naked and with nothing more than an empty wineglass when she thought I was there to murder her. She’s gone after her dreams without the support of her dad. She had the courage to give her mom and Jeff a chance, even when she thought the worst, and a big enough heart to admit when she was wrong and mend those relationships.

I kiss her gently. Lovingly. “You’ve got this, OTG. And I’ve got you.”

“I know you do,” she replies with nothing but trust in her eyes.

“I’ll just tell the guys and take a quick shower. Gotta get you home, so you’re not late to class.”

Grabbing my phone, I shoot off a text, letting the guys know that Lexi’s in for all of it. Maddox tells me that Isla will text Lexi that evening to make dinner plans. Then I take the fastest shower of my life, because I can’t stand to be away from my girl. Not even for a few minutes.



“Lexi!I am so glad you came tonight.” Isla’s fiery red hair bounces as she rises from her seat and pulls me into a tight hug, which I return.

“Hey, Lex.” Mira stands and gives me a hug too. It’s a lot of hugging, but I don’t really mind.

“Thanks for inviting me,” I say as we all sit. There are already three waters at the table. I take a sip for something to do and because my throat is suddenly dry.

Mira waves her hand dismissively. “We’ve been wanting to hang out ever since New Year’s Eve. I’m just glad you finally agreed.”

Mira is wearing a Rogues’ jersey withGraveson the back for her brother. Her dark hair is curled and tumbles over one shoulder. Isla is wearing a matching jersey with her boyfriend’s name. She’s pulled her hair into a messy, high ponytail. Both women have minimal makeup on and look completely at ease. It calms my nerves. For once, I feel like I truly fit in. I’m wearing Ryder’s jersey with a pair of trendy jeans. I’m not all dolled up—only minimal makeup for me too—but even if I was wearing afull face, I know these two women wouldn’t judge me. They’re kind and fun, and we’ve been texting since the morning after we got back from Chicago.

I could be friends with these women. Everything feels like it’s falling into place.

Our server stops by the table to take our orders, and once he walks away, I’m pinned in place by a pair of blue and a pair of green eyes. It’s Mira who speaks first.

“So, how are you? We heard about how things went down with your dad. It sounded pretty rough.”

I deflate, slumping back in my chair. “Um, I’m doing okay, I think. It was not a fun day, and I’m still worried about how my dad may try to retaliate, but things with Ryder are great.” We’ve spent almost every waking moment together, when we’re not at school or practice. He never misses a chance to tell me how much he loves me, and I say it just as often.

“He told you he loves you?” Isla’s blue eyes sparkle. She leans forward, her attention completely on me. “And in front of your dad and the whole team, right?”

I chuckle. Sounds like Maddox and Griffin have told them the whole story. “He did. It was stupidly romantic, in a way. I mean, I think he would have done it differently if shit hadn’t hit the fan, but I won’t complain. It left no doubt he meant it.”

Isla smiles brightly. “I’m so happy for you two. He seems like a great guy. I know Maddox speaks highly of him.”

“Doesn’t hurt that he’s hot,” Mira adds with a wink. Isla and I both laugh.