IDK. Hurt. Worried about how this is going to affect my career.
We’re here for both of you. Lexi’s cool. I’m sorry she had to hear her dad say all that trash.
Thanks. I’m sorry too. I can’t believe he’s so blind to how amazing she is.
I told Isla about what happened. She invited Lexi to sit with her and Mira in the family box at the next game. I told her I’d bring it up with you now that the cat’s out of the bag and all.
Yeah, Mira said to tell her she hopes she comes. The ladies really like Lexi and want to get to know her better.
Thanks, guys. I’ll ask her. I think she’d like that.
It would certainly send a message to her dad.
Yeah, and if he tries to throw a fit about it, we’ll have your back.
The ladies want to take her to dinner before the game too. Then we can all go to my place afterward.
A feeling of peace settles over me. There are still so many unknowns with all of this, but I’m not alone anymore. My dad was always there for me. His tireless support pushed me to achieve my dreams. Seeing the proud look on his face after I gave it my all during a game kept me going in a way I couldn’t explain.
When he died, I did the only thing I could. I kept pushing myself. Because it’s what he would have wanted. He would have hated to see me give up my dreams just because he wasn’t there to cheer me on. But each victory felt hollow without him there.
And at the end of every game, when other guys were hugging their girlfriends or wives and embracing their kids, I was alone. I walked out of the locker room alone. Through the family room alone. And out to my car alone. Then I’d go home to an apartment that wasn’t really home, and I was alone there.
I’m not alone anymore.
A plume of steam escapes the bathroom as Lexi opens the door and walks out with wet hair, a pair of tight jeans, and an oversized sweater. My heart squeezes. She’s so damned beautiful. The woman is full of light and life. After everything I’ve witnessed between her and Coach, I wouldn’t blame her if Lexi was angry and guarded. But she’s not. A little grumpy, maybe, but she’s fun and quirky and she embraces life.
And I’m never giving her up.
It’s probably too soon to be thinking about forever, but I don’t care. Because watching Alexis Cross walk across the room toward me, I know—I’m going to marry this woman. We’re going to grow old together. Maybe we’ll have a couple of kids or travel the world. I don’t know and I don’t care. Everything else is a minor detail. We’ve got time to figure it out.
“Feel better now that you’ve showered?” I ask her as she towels off her hair.
“Much.” Her eyes twinkle. “I was feeling a little sticky.”
That has me laughing. She’s not wrong. I’m in the same boat. “Before I hop in the shower, I wanted to run something by you. The guys said Isla and Mira invited you to go to dinner with them before the next home game. Then they’d like you to join them in the family box. After the game, Maddox and Isla will have everyone over. What d’you think?”
Lexi’s lips twist to the side and she hums. “Are you sure it’s a good idea for me to go to the game?”
“Honestly?” I shrug. “I don’t see what difference it will make. Your dad knows about us now. Hell, everyone on the team knows. What good is hiding?” Once I’ve untangled myself from the sheets, I climb out of the bed and wrap Lexi in my arms. She’s warm and soft. When she sighs and rests her head on my chest, I’m gone.