"What are you doing?" she whispers, her voice silky. I can picture her inquisitive face, her thick black glasses, and that bun on the top of her head. I can picture taking those glasses off, taking her hair down, and bending her over my desk. I can picture pushing her skirt up, sliding her panties to the side, and thrusting into her.

"Fuck." I groan as my hand stills on my throbbing cock. I am close to coming. This is not why I'd called her.

"Is everything okay?" Her voice is sultry. "What did you just say?"

“Nothing.” I groan. “I will see you in the morning, Juniper. Have a good evening.” I cannot come with her on the phone. I shouldn't even be thinking about her like that.

“You, too, Mr. Parker. Sweet dreams."

“Sweet dreams, darling Juniper. Don't let all that nakedness go to waste.” I hang up the phone and close my eyes again. I picture Juniper walking up to me, pulling me by the tie, and pushing me down onto the chair. I picture her pulling my cock out and slamming down on me. I can almost feel her tight pussy on me. "Oh, fuck, yes." I groan as my hand jerks back and forth until I feel myself exploding. I grab the throw blanket and spurt into it, before leaning back in the chair. "What are you doing to me?" I mumble to myself as I take a deep breath. Juniper Hardman has infected me with her charm and sexiness, and I don't know what I'm going to do now.

Chapter Fifteen


“I cannot believe that it is Friday already,” I say to Lila as we walk into the break room and grab two mugs so we can have some coffee. It's been a long week, and I'm grateful that it is coming to an end. I haven't really seen Remington all week, and I'm still wondering what his phone call had been about. I'd been so drunk that when I'd woken up the next morning, I wasn't sure if I'd been imagining him trying to have phone sex with me or not. I was pretty sure I'd told him I was naked. And I was pretty sure he'd told me to play with myself. Which I had been. In fact, I'd had the most intense orgasm of my life after I'd gotten off the phone, just thinking about him spanking me over his desk. Who knew that would be such a turn-on?

“I know. Any fun plans? I mean, aside from the makeover,” she asks, winking at me. “We are meeting tomorrow morning at ten, right?”

“I’ll be there at ten, ready for a huge, huge, huge transformation. I want to go from an ugly duckling to a swan.” I spin around like a ballerina.

“Well, that’s not going to be possible.” She has a thoughtful look on her face, and I wonder what she’s thinking. Does she think I’m expecting too much?

“What do you mean?” My heart sinks at her expression.

“I mean, you’re not an ugly duckling. So, that statement was already off.” She laughs as she points at me. “We will have you looking like the most beautiful swan in the world, though.”

“I cannot wait. And guess what? I was able to change my date with Marco to Sunday. We’re going to go to dinner after I have lunch with my dad.”

“Oh, wow. I thought you said that his only day off was Friday?”

“Well, I told him that I ended up having to work on Friday, and he was able to swap his shift. So, he is going to work today, and we are going to go out on Sunday.”

“Amazing,” she says. “I love when the universe works out like that.” Her voice belies her words, but I don't ask why she doesn't seem as happy as I do.

“Yeah, me, too. I was really shocked when he asked me out.”

“Oh, girl, he totally thought you were a dish, a snack, and a main meal.” She pauses. "I just hope he's not a fuckboy."

“Me, too! So, what is going on with Liam Gallagher? Do you know why he is here in the office?”

“No,” she says, shaking her head, “I haven’t really heard anything. I do know that he is in need of an assistant and that they are going to start interviewing on Monday morning.”

“Oh, cool. Hopefully, that means next week, I’m not going to get called in to do his bidding again.”

“He’s cute, though, don’t you think?” She tilts her head to the side. "Maybe even better than Remington."

“I mean, yeah. He is very cute. I’m not going to lie. But it’s not like he wants me here on Friday night because he wants to take me out on a date. He literally wants me to type up whatevernotes he has from whatever meeting that he and Remington are going to have.” I frown for a second. “I do wonder what Remington is going to do with Canyon, though.”

“Yeah, maybe he got a babysitter. Maybe I'll volunteer."

“I suppose so. He hasn’t really said much this week about her or anything else. Not since earlier this week when he called me.” I pause as I grab my coffee and take a sip. "I'm sure he would appreciate your offer." I am not going to talk about our call.

“What’s that look on your face, Juniper?”

“What do you mean? What look?”

“When you said he hasn’t spoken about anything since your call, you got a really funny look on your face, like there was something in particular you thought he would have spoken about.”