“How can I pick one if I cannot spend time with Hana to see if she is what I want?”
“I don’t know.”
“This does not help me.”
“Sorry.” I give him a wry grin. “I’m no expert on women.”
“You and Claudia? There is something there?”
“Yeah.” I lean back. “At least…I think so.”
“But…she’s on a girls’ trip and wants to spend time with her friend. And she lives in Philadelphia. And she’s really fucking smart.”
“This is bad? That she is smart?”
“Not at all. I love a woman I can talk to. I’m more worried she’ll get bored with me, you know?”
“Why? You think you are not intelligent?”
“I can hold my own, but shit, she went to MIT. She’s, like, super brainy. Maybe she likes guys with brains like hers.”
“I think maybe the opposites attract, no?”
“That’s what they say, but I don’t know who they are or why they say that.”
“They who?” Felix asks, frowning.
I chuckle. “I’m kidding. Ignore me. All I’m going to say to you is, don’t start something you’re not going to finish. If you want to date Hana, date her, but don’t play games with both her and Celine. You’re just setting yourself up for a headache because we both know Johan won’t be happy if he thinks you’re cheating on his sister. Not to mention, Aiden’s sniffing around now, and we don’t need drama on the team.”
Felix scowls and mutters something in French.
“I can’t help you in any language but English,” I say. “Unless you learned Swedish recently.”
“I am unsure what is next. I want to date both.”
“Yeah, well, what you want and what’s realistic are two different things. It’s fine to want to sleep around, date lots of women… I just don’t think your teammate’s sister should be one of them.”
“But is okay for Aiden?”
“Last I checked, she’s not dating him.”
There’s a lot more muttering in French, and I opt to let him get it out of his system. That’s kind of how Felix works. He vents in French, calms himself down, and then can have a more rational conversation in English.
Well, rational for Felix.
He definitely marches to the beat of his own drum.
Normally, I find his quirky personality entertaining, but a situation like this can only mean trouble for the team. I’ve seen this type of thing happen on other teams and it never ends well. Usually, it ends with one or both players getting traded, and that would be a shame considering how much chemistry there is with the current lineup.
“I suck when it comes to the women,” he says finally. “No luck.”
“You make your own luck, my friend.”
More muttering in French.
“Look, do you think you have a future with Celine?”