Page 45 of Body Shot

I nod. “Absolutely. We have tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize for being a thoughtful friend. Tomorrow we’ll go to Vizcaya and the jungle place, and then tomorrow night maybe you’ll come to my place.”

“Yes. Okay.” She turns to me, and I pull her against my chest, as I lower my mouth to hers. She sighs against me, her tongue coming out to meet mine, and I slide my fingers into her hair. She probably isn’t even aware how much she likes it when I’m a little rough with her. There’s no doubt in my mind she wants me to take charge, guide her, show her what she doesn’t know.

But not tonight.

Tonight there’s some fuckery going on with Felix, Aiden, and Hana, and I plan to have a talk with Felix about it when I get home.

“So…I’ll see you in the morning?” she whispers against my mouth.

“You will. I’ll pick you up around nine thirty.”

“See you then.”

I press my lips to hers one last time and then get back in my car, watching as she uses her key card to get into the hotel.

I’m a little frustrated by the turn of events, but mostly I want to know what the hell is going on. The last thing we need going into training camp is animosity between Aiden and Felix. It could mess up the chemistry of the team, and I don’t know that Coach Petrov will put up with it. He’s got a pretty laid-backcoaching style, but he doesn’t put up with any bullshit either. He’ll call out any player, or players, who behave badly. Hell, he sent Jordan Palmer down to the minors after a handful of transgressions regarding his then teenage girlfriend.

I let myself into the apartment and find Felix on the couch, channel surfing.

“Hey.” I put down my keys and join him. “What’s up?”

“Nothing.” He shrugs.

“What’s going on with you and Hana?” I ask bluntly, deciding not to beat around the bush.

“Nothing.” This time he makes a face.

“Did you tell her about Celine?”

He nods.

“Was she pissed?”

“Not pissed. More disappointment. Frustration. Then she said she is not interested to be homewrecker.” He pauses. “But I do not share a home with Celine, so I am confused. As usual.”

“It’s an expression,” I explain. “Like, she doesn’t want to have a part in potentially breaking up you and Celine.”

“If I am not exclusive with Celine, can I not date both women?” he asks.

“Technically, you can, but if Hana isn’t interested in having a non-exclusive relationship, then you can’t do it withher.”

“And then she spends the time with Aiden.” He scowls. “This is to make me jealous?”

Christ, I have no idea what Hana is doing or thinking.

“I don’t know, but it seems to me that she decided she’s not interested in someone who has a girlfriend, so she’s moved on.”

“So fast?” He mutters something in French.

“Dude, you need to make a decision. This is a classic case of having your cake and eating it too. That just means you want everything—the comfortable steady girl at home and the exciting new hottie too.”

He frowns. “You think I need to stay with Celine?”

“I don’t know your relationship with either of them, but I think you need to pick one.”