Page 111 of Body Shot



We down the Red Bull/Jägermeister concoctions and I motion for her to bring us another round.

“We’re going to die tonight,” Scotty says, grimacing.

“I just texted Merry and Holls,” Aiden says, “and they’re on their way.”

Roy Merrick and Milo Holland are younger guys, on the fourth line, and I don’t know them very well. We hang out on the road sometimes, but not really at home, so I’m not sure what they bring to the table. Also, I don’t really care. Right now, I just wanted to get shitfaced.

We do another round of shots, and Scotty gets up to stuff some money in the dancer’s thong.

“Hello, gentlemen.” A gorgeous blond saunters over to us. “Anyone want a lap dance?”

“He does!” Jordan points at me and pulls some money out of his wallet. “On me, buddy.”

“Well, hi.” She puts her hands on my shoulders and smiles, wiggling her ample chest in my face.

“Hey.” I lean back, hoping for a spark of excitement, because so far, there’s nothing. Not even a glimmer of interest from my eyes, my brain, or any other region.

She starts grinding on my lap, and it’s almost embarrassing that I can’t muster up the faintest glimmer of an erection.

She does nothing for me.

All I want to see is thick, brown hair swirling around my chest.

Big blue eyes looking up at me adoringly.

Plump pink nipples in my mouth.

I close my eyes and let myself get lost in a fantasy about the woman I can’t have.

The woman I love.

The woman who just shattered my heart.


I can’t do this.

“I’m sorry.” I sit up and shake my head. “Uh, thanks.” I pull some money from my wallet, thrust it in her direction, and then excuse myself to the restroom.

This whole thing has been a mistake.



A month ago,I had it all.

My dream job, dream man, and dream life.

That life has now turned into a nightmare.

I’ve lost the guy, and the only thing keeping me from giving Randy my letter of resignation is the baby growing inside of me. The same baby that’s the cause of everything going wrong for me now.

I’ve got a broken heart, I can’t sleep but I’m always tired, and an ex-boyfriend who’s become the bane of my existence at work. He hovers around me every day, as if he truly believes we could be friends again, chattering like no time has passed. I fluctuate between wanting to punch him in the face and screech at him, but since neither of those options would be professional, I wind up gritting my teeth and being as polite as possible.