“Sounds good,” Ezra replies, “I take it if we have no luck then we’re risking getting a little closer?”
Cash nods, “Yeah, we need solid proof that Hunt is using this location. So, whichever way it goes tonight we will be getting closer tomorrow.”
“Why aren’t we just heading straight in now?” I ask.
“We need to get familiar with the place first; there’s not much info that Pete could give us about the layout,” Cash explains.
“Got it,” I nod.
“As you are all aware, we’ve been given permission to kill,” Cash adds, “if you have a shot, take it, but don’t take any unnecessary risks in order to get the shot.”
“Understood,” Quinn says, his eyes serious, as the rest of us nod.
Chapter Twenty-Five
“Great,” Cash says. “If you spot anything ridiculous or something goes wrong then call the other team but otherwise, we will meet back here at around seven tomorrow morning. We will check in with Trick, crash for the day and then head back out.”
“You know dude, you are kind of good at this leadership thing,” Ezra points out.
Jensen grins, “He used to be a far more hands-on second to Trick.”
Cash shrugs, “I sort of took a step back when everything happened with Atlas and Blackbreak, then Blake. Thought I would step back up again, be less of a background figure.”
Jensen’s smile is sharp, “Good, I fucking missed it.”
“I love it,” I add for good measure.
“It suits you,” Quinn says and then adds, “although I know that doesn’t mean much coming from me since we don’t really know each other that well. Which also seems odd because I consider you family.”
“That kind of got away from you then,” Ezra chuckles, looking at Quinn fondly.
“We consider you family too,” I tell Quinn because I feel like he needs to hear it.
“Thanks,” Quinn replies, his mouth moving up into a soft smile.
“Anyway, as I was saying,” Cash starts and continues to talk about the plan and the logistics of it.
Ezra catches my eye, and mouths thank you at me, confirming that I was right, and Quinn did need to hear that we considered him family. I can’t imagine how weird it has been for him to step back into his family when everything has changed so much. It is going to take him a while to adjust, and there is a baby thrown in the mix, too. I know that they are all over the moon, but that doesn’t mean that it is easy. I know that just from conversations I have had with Lyric.
“What about cars?” Quinn asks, “If we’re going to split up, then we need another car; we came up in the same car.”
“I had someone drop another one off here, one of the organization ones.” Cash replies.
“You really did think of everything,” I mutter.
“I try to.” He replies with a frown, “I don’t like the thought of missing something major and it putting us in danger, oraffecting our job to the point where we can’t effectively do it properly.”
“Dude, you are good at this. You always have been. I am sure you have thought of everything, and if there is something that you haven’t, you will know what to do and sort it out,” Jensen replies firmly, not leaving any room for Cash to question himself.
“I brought travel mugs so we can take coffee with us,” I say, “I didn’t know if you guys would, so I brought enough for everyone.”
Ezra grins, “Thank fuck. You would think that since I’m a cop as well and do this sort of thing all the time, that I would remember to bring a travel mug, but I never do.”
“We brought lots of snacks as well,” Quinn adds with a huge grin.
“Alright, you guys split up the snacks, and I’ll make the coffee,” I say, getting up and taking my bowl at the same time.