I make coffee for everyone often enough that I know everyone’s orders.
When they said that they brought snacks, they weren’t lying, and Cash and I have at least three bags of snacks to get through. Not that we have to eat them all tonight, but I definitely get snacky when I have to be on surveillance, so there is a chance that they might all be gone. We have parked up outside the main entrance, our car blending in with the others that are parked here. Fortunately, the streetlights around here are pretty much non-existent, so we should be able to observe without calling any attention to ourselves.
“And now we sit and wait,” Cash sighs, “honestly this is a part of the job that I do not look forward to, just sitting and watching.”
“I don’t think anyone does.” I reply, and then add with a smile, “at least I get to spend some one on one time with you.”
He smiles as he reaches over and takes my hand, bringing it to his lips and kissing the back of it, “That is a definite bonus.”
“I’m bored,” Ezra groans.
I laugh as Quinn gives him a raised eyebrow look, “Dude, we parked like ten minutes ago.”
“Ten minutes too long,” he retorts with a smile.
I reach forward between the seats and hand him a bag of candy, “Here, eat this.”
“Thanks, man, these are my favorite,” he replies.
“What are we doing if I recognize any of the people that are coming or going?” Quinn asks.
“We’re just making a note of who they are and where they are within his organization, if they are high up or more grunts, just so that we have a good idea of how important this place is to Hunt and the likelihood of us being able to corner him here,” I explain.
“Got it,” Quinn replies. “I have a pretty good knowledge of who is in his inner circle and who he keeps deliberately out of it because he doesn’t want people to know just how important they are to him. like Emmerson.”
“Rylie’s slowly working her way through the list you gave her,” I reply. “I think she’s wanting Ever to help her out with one of them.”
Quinn nods, “Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me. There are some pretty heavy hitters on that list, people that you wouldn’t think of as well.”
“It makes sense. He’s well known in the business world and is very good at making himself seem like an all around good guy,” Ezra replies.
“Exactly,” Quinn replies.
The car lapses into silence as we watch the entrance; I don’t know how long passes before something on the opposite side of the street catches my attention. A woman dressed in a waitress outfit, clutching her bag tightly and around the same age as us, is practically running down the street. It takes me a moment to realize why, as two men round the corner, walking quickly and clearly following her.
As she passes the entrance to an alleyway I watch as she gets pulled inside her bag falling to the floor with the force of the pull.
“You see that?” I ask. Already getting out of the car, Quinn and Ezra are quick on my heels.
“Tonight just got a little more interesting; I could use a fight,” Quinn says, violence flashing in his eyes.
“Are we playing this as cops or more violently?” Ezra asks.
“Violently, and then we switch on the cop side.” I reply with a grin.
We quickly follow them, picking up pace as we hear a woman scream. As soon as we turn the corner into the alleyway, it takes me only seconds to take in the situation; the woman is surrounded by six men, all of them taunting her by reaching forward and grabbing at her, playing with her.
It is fucking disgusting.
“Pretty sure you fuckers should play with someone your own size,” I call out.
They all spin, grinning as soon as they realize that there is only three of us.
“You want in on this?” one of them asks.