James was clingy the entire time I got ready for work and was even hesitant to let me leave the car by myself once we got there. I knew he was anxious and noticed he was trying to restrain himself. I felt awful that he was having this kind of anxiety. I didn’t mind his extra closeness, though. It turns out that having a man constantly touching you, helping you clip your hair back, putting your blush on for you, and strapping your heels on was actually kind of endearing, in my opinion. He seemed so interested in everything I did and wanted to be a part of it. If it were anyone else, I think I’d hate it and feel suffocated, but of course, it was him, and I loved everything about it.
I didn’t take my time walking into the library today. I decided I wouldn’t let myself think too much and dwell on the new. I was going to just keep going. I wanted to focus on my job, the people around me, and my love for books. It was all I was allowing into my brain today.
I rush inside, heading straight for my office. I quickly unpack my stuff, straighten my outfit, and head outside toward the door, flipping the closed sign to open. I admire the light snowfall beginning to drizzle from the sky.
Just before I walk away, I hear the door open, and I jump, turning to face it again. That was quick? When I turned around,I saw Ambrose heading straight for me with a giant smile and a small bouquet of daisies.
“Hi, gorgeous. I’m sorry, I was waiting outside until you opened. Is that weird? It’s a little weird. Anyway, these are for you,” he rambles, setting the bouquet into my arms.
My head spins as I take them from him and hold them stiffly in my arms. So much for not making today a big deal, but the gesture was nice. Ambrose was the type of person to make anything, and I mean anything, a big deal. I couldn’t fault him for it. He was an overly expressive and emotional guy, which was one of the reasons I liked him so much. He made book club so much more fun.
“Thank you,” I smile at him. “You didn’t have to do all of this.”
He waves his hand. “Of course I did. I’m so happy you’re back. That other bookseller you’ve been having run the place is a little rude, to be honest. She told me my skinny jeans were no longer a thing, so I told her that her dark eyeliner down to her cheeks made her look like a panda bear, and not in a cute way—a rather startling way if you ask me.”
Ambrose had a very specific style that consisted of tight skinny jeans and crew neck sweaters that were bright, vivid colors. It fit him, though. He was a small guy with mousey features. His hair was brown and so soft, but he had this cute little bald spot on the top of his head. His husband, Marlin, was the complete opposite. He was tall and wide with muscle, always wearing tight spandex workout clothes. His skin was a warm brown, and his hair was shaved neatly to his head. While Ambrose was loud and expressive with his personality, Marlin was quiet and reserved. Yet, somehow, they fit together perfectly.
I laugh. “That’s Jessica, and she’s only here until she finds a job with her degree from college. She’s nice once you get to knowher.” Other than me now, she was the only other worker I had here, and she only worked twenty hours a week. So, it looked like I had to add another thing to my do list and start looking for some help around here.
“You know, Marlin is looking for some work.”
“I thought Marlin was a writer. Isn’t he busy?”
“He writes mostly at night. The man is a horrible insomniac, but he wants something to keep him busy during the afternoons and add some structure to his days.”
Excitement flowed through me at the idea of someone I knew and was comfortable with possibly working with me. “That would actually be really great. I’m super interested. Tell him to stop in anytime, and I’ll hire him on the spot.”
“He’ll be here for the book club meeting today. Do you want to grab some dinner after?”
I wince and look around the unorganized library I’ve left unattended for far too long. “I was actually going to stay after closing and do some organizing. Jessica isn’t the best at floor work.”
He nods in agreement as he looks around. “Well, how about we order some dinner? Marlin and I can help you out. You shouldn’t be by yourself doing all this work, and you’ll get to see him in action.” He leans in, putting his hand over his mouth like he’s telling me a secret despite it being just the two of us. “He’s one of those label-maker kind of people, so he’s very organized.”
I nod, giggling to myself. “That is commitment.”
“I have a label on my toothbrush holder that says toothbrushes. It’s gotten out of hand.”
I glance around at the shelves. “Honestly, I should start labeling the shelves here. We have such a huge selection. It would help narrow things down more.” And give me something else to keep busy with around here.
Ambrose’s eyes light up. “It’s a match made in heaven then. I’m going to run home and see how he feels about the idea, and we will be back later for book club and dinner after. Have a good day, gorgeous.” He blows me a kiss as he turns back toward the doors and leaves. I wave goodbye and then return to my desk, pulling out the bouquet of fake flowers from the vase and setting the real ones inside. I use my water bottle to pour some water into the bottom and fluff the daisies out so they sit just right.
The rest of my day, thankfully, goes by fast. I made myself so busy the entire time that the hours ticked by like seconds. By the time I knew it, my book club was showing up for our first meeting back, and I realized I hadn’t even eaten lunch. I also hadn’t checked in with James.
Oh shit.
I scramble to my desk, pull my phone out of the top drawer, and find one text and two missed calls from him. Honestly, not as bad as I thought it would be until I saw the text.
If you don’t respond to me by seven o’clock, I’m sending in the Calvary…Calvary meaning me. Put me out of my misery, babe, and let me know you’re okay.
I can’t help but smile. I hated worrying about him, but seeing how loving and overbearing he was compared to who I thought he was when I met him only made me love him even more. I call him, and he picks up after one ring.
“This better be you and not someone about to demand a ransom for your kidnapping.”
I laugh. “It’s me. I’m sorry I didn’t check in with you. Time kind of got away from me today.”
“It’s okay, as long as you’re alright.”