Page 86 of Dark Reign

“He’s been lying this whole time!”

“The entire family can’t be trusted!”

The shouts were deafening. So much so, I could hardly think straight.

Julian held on to me, backing us both toward the blue curtain that hung behind the podium. He didn’t seem to have any idea how to get us out of this, but, lucky for him, he didn’t need one.

Becausetheyhad a plan.

Three tall, devilishly handsome figures emerged from offstage, each with a look of determination and resolution set on their face. If I hadn’t realized it before, they were a sight to behold. Perfection in tailored suits.

It was Levi who took the mic amidst the chaos. His voice spilled through the speakers and, spoken in his old-world accent, it held an air of calm within it.

“Ladies, gentlemen, please settle down,” he requested. “If you’d slow your mission to burn my friend here at the stake, you may find that there’s a bit more to the story.”

At first, I thought his plea would fall on deaf ears, but, miraculously, they all stopped and listened.

That cool smile of his only added to his charm and confidence, as he adjusted the knot of a red, silk tie at his throat.

“Thank you,” he crooned, fleshy lips curving at the corners with a smirk. “Some of the facts our friend, Mr. Carlisle here, shared are true, but I assure you a vast majority of them are empty accusations,” Levi lied.

But who wasIto point that out.

Silas approached from the right, getting close enough that the back of his hand brushed mine, which Julian still hadn’t released. To my left, Roman stood like a statue—immoveable. With Julian still stalwartly shielding me from the crowd, it didn’t take long to realize these three intentionally incased me, creating a fortress I imagined few would dare to breach. It was almost as if they meant to …protectme.

Silas leaned into me.

“I thought there would be more time,” he began, and the feel of his breath against my ear was unnerving, bringing every inch of my skin to life. “We planned to bring this to you both as merely an option, something you could either choose or reject, but … I didn’t foresee things going this way.”

To say that I was confused didn’t even begin to describe the feeling I had.

“What’s happening?” Julian asked, glancing at Silas from over his shoulder.

“They’re calling for blood,” Silas answered gravely. “And there’s only one way we could think of to ensure you’re notbothhauled to the gallows at dawn.”

There was a look that passed between them, one where Julian seemed to submit to whatever plan Silas and the others had launched. I, on the other hand, was only becoming more perplexed by the second.

“I’m sorry. I wish there was another way,” Silas uttered, his lips brushing the rim of my ear.

The statement was followed by a firm squeeze to my shoulders—one that was nearly an embrace. To my surprise, he didn’t let go, but clung to me as if we’d been acquainted before this. The initial confusion I felt only strengthened.

“Your assumptions are half right,” Levi continued on, addressing the crowd. “Juliandid,in fact, violate the no-turn law.” He paused briefly when the crowd got riled up again. “However, his actions were still within his legal rights.”

The statement was met with a swift outcry in response.

Without thinking, I leaned deeper into Silas’ side. At the same time, Julian’s fingers slipped deeper between mine.

“We’ve all agreed to initiate the blood bond,” Levi announced, sending the volume of the crowd soaring through the roof. I couldn’t tell whether they were pleased to hear the news or angry. “At the conclusion of this conference, we plan to reach out to a representative of Dr. Ian Percival to request that our fearless leader step in to assist with the process. Even if only to give his wise council as we journey into the unknown.”

The room buzzed with tension and things being shouted from the crowd. But I couldn’t focus on one thing I heard or saw. Instead, a wave of dizziness made my head swim as I blinked.

“Wait … I don’t … I can’t …”

The skin of my arm chilled when the tips of Silas’ cool fingers traced a line down it, consoling me when I stammered, unable to formulate a coherent sentence.

“What’s he talking about?” I finally choked out.

“If we don’t do this,” Silas sighed, “if we don’t all participate … you and Julian will never make it out of here alive.” He explained as much as he could under these circumstances, passing a thoughtful gaze my way. However, that small inkling was an earful.