The collective gasps and shocked stares were a snapshot of how viewers at home had likely reacted.
“Need I remind you that wrongfully accusing a member of the royal family is treason? A crime for which the punishment is death by fire?” The Emperor asked, positioning himself near the front edge of the stage as he assured the man that his boldness could be the death of him. “My son is well aware of the no-turn law and has only ever been a law-abiding citizen of the Capitol.”
Jon tilted his head. “Has he?”
Emperor Westower’s tightly clenched fists served as a warning, but Jon failed to heed it when a challenge flamed in his eyes.
“Then … prove it.” His words sent a chill scurrying up my spine. “If you’re so certain your son’s venom doesn’t course through this girl’s veins, I implore you to drink from her yourself, Your Majesty,” he dared. “It will either be a drink to victory … or a drink unto your own death.”
“He means to do the Emperor harm! Seize him!” William commanded, provoking a wave of sentinels to action at his charge.
I cared little that Jon’s words had been twisted to bring about his abrupt removal from the facility. I simply wanted him gone, as far away from me as possible.
“Prove it!” one yelled.
“Show us he’s innocent!” came the voice of another.
The random shouts and jeers from the crowd rose into the air, calling attention to the rift that divided the room, a standoff between citizens and the monarchy. It appeared many had chosen to stand in agreement with Jon Carlisle. It was then I realized the entire brigade of sentinels hadn’t sprang into action. They, too, were divided in half—those loyal to the crown no matter what, and those who vowed to uphold the law, regardless of who its long arm plucked from the Earth.
Jon’s hands lifted into the air as a dark, soulless laugh burst from his lungs. “It seems I’m not the only one who’d like to know the truth, Your Majesty.”
I stared, watching as Emperor Westower’s shoulders heaved with rage. The room was eerily quiet, still. My senses were all on high-alert—my vision clearer, my hearing keener.
There were four exits, two close enough to reach in ten seconds or less. As if he sensed I was in flight mode, the large hand around my waist held on tighter.
A fleeting glance.
A collective breath drawn in by the crowd.
My entire life flashed before my eyes.
Each of these things happened at once, all as the Emperor caved in to the pressure from his people, and charged my way. My eyes stretched wide as his gaze locked with mine, as his face contorted right before me.
The whites of his eyes filled with darkness—like ink dropped into a glass of pure water. All that remained was the silver centers Julian had inherited. Chiseled cheekbones shifted higher, protruding beneath his flesh. Next, a perfect set of teeth elongated as he readied himself to prove his son’s innocence.
As he rushed forward to feed on me.
That single word thundered from Julian’s throat and through the entire building with incredible authority, rendering all who heard it silent.
Including the Emperor.
With lightning speed, Julian had come to stand before me, creating a barrier between his father and I, a gesture that rendered Emperor Westower speechless as the twisted features began to settle back into place, the whites of his eyes returning.
I could practicallyfeelthe accusations being hurled toward Julian despite no one having said a word. I knew what this looked like.
It looked like he’d wedged himself between us, to save one of two people. Either his father from ingesting the venom that still coursed through my veins, or me from his father’s rage. Perhaps, both those answers were true. He cared for him … cared for me.
“Step aside,” the Emperor hissed, coming closer as he studied his son’s reaction, how he reached back for me, taking my hand again, and I latched on to it. Seeing the touch we shared only angered the man further.
“I can’t do that,” Julian finally stated.
And that’s when I saw it. Reality hit Emperor Westower like a ton of bricks when he realized the unspeakable act his son had been accused of … was true.
“And there it is,” Jon interjected, his eyes wild with amazement as it all unfolded. “It appears the Prince is a traitor after all.”
“Arrest him!”