“Ungh.” I unstick my tongue from my mouth. “Erm.”
“Stan?” his voice sounds angry now.
“Yay,” I say faintly. I don’t know what everyone else hears, because a cheer fills the room, and Bennett grabs me.
He kisses me hard, mashing my teeth against my lips, and I taste blood. I pull away.
“Take note thatI’mthe one who’s offering you commitment,” he whispers into my ear.
“I need to talk to you,” I say grimly. This break-up just got exponentially worse.
Taking the glass someone hands me, I throw it back and then gasp. “Oh, whisky,” I say, coughing. "Lovely. I thought it was champagne. Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure the burning will go away.”
We’re subsumed under a wave of congratulations, and I hear them all while searching for the voice of the person I need the most.
Finally, he’s here, and his arms enfold me in a tight hug. “Congratulations,” he whispers in my ear.
“Raff, no. I need to tell you something,” I say, but he’s gone, replaced by another person who wants to hug me.
It seems to take forever before Bennett and I walk back into the office. God help the manager. Maybe he’ll be able to get back to work sometime in the next millennium.
The door closes, and I spin towards him. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You said it. You said yes.”
“I didn’t,” I correct him. “I said yay.”
“Same thing.”
“Erm, no, it’s not. It has one similar letter, but that’s it.” His clothing rustles as he moves around the room, and I get dizzy as I pivot to where I hear him. “I can’t believe you just did that at Leo and Richard’s party.”
“Oh, they’ll be fine with it. Everyone loves love.”
His voice has that cavalier tone in it that I hate. I’ve heard it used a lot with waiting staff and hotel workers over the months we’ve been together, while Bennett insisted on doing what he wanted regardless of any rules.
“I don’t think Leo would agree.” I take a deep breath. “I’m so sorry, but I can’t marry you.”
“What? Why?”
The blatant astonishment is so strong that I hesitate for a second. “Because I don’t love you, and you don’t love me.” I cock my head to one side. “I think you want to take care of someone, but that can’t be me, Bennett. I don’t like being babied. I don’t think I fit into your worldview. You need someone very malleable, and even on a good day, I’m not that.”
There’s a long pause, and when he speaks, his voice is low. “I do care.”
I soften a little towards him. I hate this. “Not enough.”
I hear a rustle as he shifts position. “No, probably not,” he mutters. His voice is silky and completely cold when he speaks next, the change in emotion making me feel dizzy. “What would be the point when you love someone else, Stan?”
I flush hot. “What?”
I hear him start to pace again. “Let’s not play games. You’re in love with Rafferty. You always have been.”
“I am not.” It’s too weak and he laughs angrily.
“Yes, you are. I’d feel sorry for you if it weren’t so fucking ridiculous. You’re passing up the chance to marry me because ofthatmanchild.”
My mouth drops open as realisation dawns. “Is that why you asked me? To get one over onRafferty?”
“Don’t be so ridiculous.”