Page 70 of Something Borrowed

“I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me. No.”


I bat his hands off my arms. “No, you listen. He’s my best friend, and he willalwaysbe in my life. It is completely and utterly non-negotiable, and if you can’t get on with him, then you should be the one to bugger off.” I hesitate. “Bennett, I don’t think this is working?—”

“Don’t finish that sentence.”

“But I have to. Listen, I?—”

There’s a knock on the door, and Bennett curses. “What?” he shouts.

I hear the door open. “It’s Leo, Stan.” Leo’s voice is sharply sweet. “I do apologise for my wedding party interrupting your life, Bennett, but Richard is about to make a speech, and we need Stan if he’s okay.” His voice softens. “How are you, lovely?”

“Fine,” I say grimly. “We’re coming now.”

“You sure?”

“Positive, babe.”

The door closes, and I turn in Bennett’s direction. “Listen?—”

“No, come on. We’re needed outside.”

I grab my cane and let him tug me to the door and out into the main room. Someone thrusts a glass into my hand, and when I raise it, I smell the sharp, fizzing scent of champagne. This is what happens when you make impulsive gestures like dating a stranger, I think gloomily. It leads to conversations like the one Bennett and I are going to have as soon as possible.

I don’t hear much of what Richard is saying. I know he’s funny, because people laugh loudly all around me, but it feels like I’m marooned on an island. I laugh a few times wheneveryone else does and even raise my glass promptly when Richard says something nice about me. But all the time, I’m fighting the urge to shrug Bennett’s arm off my shoulders. He has a way of leaning on me like I was born to be a line prop for him.

Cheers and clapping ring out, and I realise that Richard has finished his speech. “Right, I won’t go on any longer,” he says. “Let’s get back to having a good night and?—”

“Excuse me,” someone says, and I blink when I realise it’s Bennett. “Could I possibly have everyone’s attention?”

I turn in his direction warily. What the fuck is going on?

I can hear the sounds of people turning towards us, and then there’s a loud gasp.

I frown. Has Bennett collapsed?

I put out a hand warily and almost recoil when I touch his hair. I pat again and realise he’s kneeling. What the fuck is going on…


I open my mouth to stop this wreck from happening, but it’s too late. The train is headed for a collision.

“I wanted to take this special occasion to ask my boyfriend a question,” Bennett says.

What special occasion? I want to ask. Is it someone else’s fucking wedding party?

“Stan,” Bennett continues. “I’ve been seeing you for a few months, and I’ve never been happier.”

I have, I think morosely.

“So, I wanted to ask if you will marry me?”

Oh. My. God. You could hear a pin drop in the room, and I want to shout:Help me! Why is this happening?

“Stan?” Bennett asks, a hint of cool warning in his voice. “Darling?” he quickly amends. “Will you marry me?”