Page 87 of Love Me Reckless

I know she doesn’t mean to shut me down, but this is not reassuring me right now. “What if it doesn’t?”

“He’s a good match for you, and he’s going to restore our investors’ faith in Finn River Ranch so the legacy your father created can continue.”

“So love doesn’t matter?” My voice is rising and my breaths tremble in my throat.

“A partnership with a man of such high esteem isn’t the end of the world.” She dusts powder with a dainty brush over the concealer. “Think of your children. The security and prosperity you’ll be able to give them.”

I blink hard to keep my tears locked away.

Mom closes the powder case, the sharpclickcarrying an air of finality that makes my stomach twist. “Finished.” She urges me to turn so we both face the mirror. “See? All better.”

Chapter Twenty


I tellmyself that I’m not doing anything wrong by showing up at the sleigh ride. My friends invited me and I could use some camaraderie right now. Sawyer will be there but I won’t have to be alone with him.

After parking my car next to Sofie’s Wagoneer, I gather my thick gloves and zip up my jacket. The movement rubs my thermal shirt against my side where my tattoo is still a little sensitive, sending goose bumps rushing over my tummy.

I step onto the frozen ground and hurry through the new snow to where Henry and Barb Hutton are busy tending to their team of horses hitched to the big sleigh, the little bells attached to the harnesses ringing in the cold air.

Sofie is standing to the side of the sled with William and Zach, their breaths making little clouds. Sofie’s brother Jesse and his girlfriend Neve are huddled close together near the back of the sleigh talking in low tones and sneaking the occasional kiss. On the other side of the sleigh, Ava and Hutch are having a snowball fight, their cries of surprise and cackling mixing with the murmur of conversation.

Sofie practically tackles me in a soft hug. “So glad you could make it!”

“Thanks for the invite.” I squeeze her back before Zach swoops in for a quick hug. “Where’s Linnie?”

“At a protest march against wind turbines in Camas Prairie,” Sofie says, frowning. “You didn’t hear about it?”

I haven’t been into town since before Birch whisked me off to China. “No. What’s wrong with wind turbines?”

“According to Linnie, they’re harmful to birds,” Sofie says with a grimace.

Sofie’s sister has been an animal rights activist since she was little, and her dad is the local conservation officer, so I’m sure Linnie’s right.

“Good for her,” I say as unease settles in my gut. “We’ll miss her though.”

“Henry’s already planned another sleigh ride for her and her friends on Friday.”

I glance at Henry, who is laughing at something his wife Barb has said. They’ve become like surrogate grandparents to Zach, Sofie, and her siblings, so I’m not surprised they’ve gone out of their way for Linnie.

A truck enters the lot. It’s Sawyer in his ancient Dodge, followed by his roommate Carson and his girlfriend Tara in her Subaru.

Sawyer’s gaze flicks to mine, then he turns his truck into the space next to my car.

A pulse of heat dances over my skin and the flutters in my tummy launch into my throat.

“Kirilee, look out!” someone cries just as a snowball lands on my shoulder. Snow explodes in my face.

Hutch jumps out from the other side of the sleigh to grab me in a tight hug. I wrap my arms around his solid frame and sigh. It’s a rare treat that he’s home during the holidays, so I’m extra grateful he’s here. “I’m so glad you’re home.”

“Me too,” he says, stepping back to smile at me.

A snowball zooms in from the side, splatting on his neck. He busts up laughing, then dashes off to attack Ava. She squeals and takes off running.

Sawyer walks up to Zach’s group. His gaze lingers on Hutch for an instant longer, then he glances at me. His soft brown eyes look wounded. Angry.

“Something going on between you two?” Sofie asks me in a low tone, her gaze darting between Sawyer and me.