He purses his lips. “How’s Jesse doing?”
I’m not telling him shit. Not until I know what he wants.
“Why didn’t you answer my text on Sunday?” he asks.
“Because it’s none of your business?”
He chuckles, but there’s no humor in his eyes. “You sure about that?”
Asking him about Jesse’s tox screen is on the tip of my tongue. “We’re through. You know that, right?”
He shuffles his feet, then glances up, his eyes hard. “So you can ride that security guard’s dick instead?”
I’m too shocked to come up with a reply.
“Yeah, I know he’s here. I also know you bought him breakfast at that diner.”
“This has nothing to do with Zach.”
He raises an eyebrow, like he’s just scored a point. Crap! I just admitted to knowing his name.
“Go ahead and do what you want,” Gabe says, his tone cruel. “But I won’t be there to pull you out of the gutter this time. And yeah, that includes Jesse.”
Stung, I look away, but before I can reply, Ava hurries over. “Back off, Gabe.”
Gabe downs the last of his coffee and then saunters past us. “Have a goodday, ladies.”
Once I’m sure he’s gone, I grab the bag of donuts and slip inside the car. There’s a tight buzzing in my chest, but I shake it off with a deep breath.
“I’m proud of you for standing up to that asshole,” Ava says once she’s settled in the passenger side.
What I told Gabe about being done with him is true, yet that last threat rings tight and hot in my mind. Like a bell struck too hard.
“He knows Zach is in Finn River.”
She gives me a snarky look. “What did I tell you? In Gabe’s pea-sized brain, Zach is a threat. As if you aren’t allowed to make up your own mind.”
“He could hurt me if he wanted.” I eye Ava as a heavy weight drops through me. Gabe knows exactly how deep my insecurities run. I wish I could take back the way I trusted him. I wish I could take back a lot of things. “Like, really hurt me.”
“We won’t let that happen, okay? Between me, Hutch, and Kirilee, we got you.”
Though I smile at my friend, doubt is creeping into my gut. I don’t have a problem standing up to Gabe as long as the consequences don’t rip apart my family. “Powered by Glory Holes, we can take on anything, right?”
“You know it.”
Chapter Six
I’m lostin thought riding the employee bus to Finn River’s main lodge when Ava nudges me, then nods at a guy sitting in one of the front rows. He’s facing forward, looking down, like he’s focused on something in his lap.
Zach?Ava mouths as the recognition clicks.
Gabe’s comment floats through my mind. I stuff it back, but it seems to make my stomach flutter even harder.
Why didn’t I see Zach get on the bus? Maybe he was already on it and I didn’t think to look this time. If he rides the bus, wouldn’t I have noticed him before?
My curiosity is like an itch I am desperate to scratch, amplifying my frustration. He barely acknowledges me. And what’s the deal with the fences? Finn River Ranch and The Winter Range Project are supposed to be working together.