Page 17 of Love Me Dangerous

As we browse and shuffle forward in line, the helpers behind the counter are a blur filling orders or restocking the case.

Miranda, who runs Glory Holes with her husband, Nate, gives us a smile. “Morning! What’ll it be today?”

Ava orders a Pumpkin Cheesecake and a couple of plain cake holes.

“A Half Glory for me,” I say. “Three Cherry Poppers, two Fudge Heaven, and one plain.”

“And two coffees,” Ava adds.

“You got it,” Miranda says while a helper snaps open a paper bag and starts filling our order.

Ava insists on paying, so I scan for an open table. Gabe’s gaze finds mine again, but I head toward the empty two-top along the opposite side of the shop.

Ava arrives with our bag of donuts and napkins.

“Any more Zach sightings?” she asks while I reach into the bag. I set two Cherry Poppers and one Fudge Heaven on a napkin.

Ava and our other friend Kirilee are the only two people who know that the same guy who came to my rescue at Burnout’s show and pulled me out of the sinking Jeep is working at Finn River Ranch.

“Not since that day I was out with Linnie,” I say. The barista calls our coffee order, and I jump up to grab the two for-here mugs.

“Ooooh, Kirilee’s been busy,” Ava says when I slide our mugs to the table. “These are new.”

“Love the turquoise on yours.” I cradle the hand-thrown mug made by our friend. “She mentioned applying for a booth at the Autumn Festival this year.”

Ava narrows her brown eyes. “I’m ready to do it for her.”

“And steal her glory like that? You wouldn’t.”

“Truth. Speaking of glory…” She bites into her pumpkin cheesecake donut. Her eyes flutter closed and she moans. “Ohmigawd, I could die.”

With a laugh, I blow across my coffee and savor a sip. It’s rich and hot. Glory’s is the only coffee I don’t drink with milk or cream. It’s that good. I bite through my Cherry Popper and sigh with delight, but the sound is lost to the whir of the espresso machine and the snap of tissue paper and conversation swirling around us.

“Could you ask Kirilee?” Ava asks in a low tone.

“About Zach?” I ask after swallowing the rest of my Cherry Popper. Kirilee’s dad owns Finn River Ranch. “I doubt she has access to personnel records. And I don’t want to stir up trouble for her.”

“True. What about that horse guy?” Ava leans on her elbows, cradling her coffee. “He was the one who carried you up that bank. Why not go out there to thank him, see if he remembers anything about your hero?”

It’s not a bad idea. “The reporters already pestered him, though. Won’t it be weird if I show up six weeks later?”

“A thank you is always appreciated. And it’s not like you’ve been sitting around.”

She’s right. Between working full-time, caring for Lin, worrying about Jesse, and volunteering with The Winter Range Project, I don’t exactly have idle time.

“Okay,” I say. “Linnie’s at a friend’s house today. Maybe I’ll drop by.”


I laugh. While I pack up the rest of our donuts for later, Ava clears our table and then slips into the restroom. I shuffle past the patrons waiting in line for donuts and slip out the door. Outside, the brisk air feels good on my warm cheeks. I’m still thinking about Zach and my afternoon expedition to the horse ranch that I forget all about Gabe.

He’s leaning against his truck in the gap between our cars, a paper cup of coffee in his hand.

The initial chill from the air erupts down my arms and spine.

“Good to see you, Sofie.” He watches me while taking a slow sip of his coffee.

I set the bag of donuts on the top of my car so I can dig my keys from my purse. “Looks like you’ve got clients today.”