Damon motioned for Jeff to stay back.

The man scowled, but he did as Damon said.

After moving a few feet on his stomach, Damon paused at the last wall between himself and the living room.

Davies’s body lay to his left, the blood having spread around his head.

Damon readjusted his grip on his gun. Matteo would be next.

“Hurry up,” Matteo demanded. “You’re so slow.”

“She’s always been difficult.” Julia shifted, footsteps in the living room moving away from Damon.

Damon lifted his chin to alert Xavier.

Xavier nodded, readjusting his weight, crouched and ready.

“Don’t you remember my wedding to her father? Didn’t want to wear the dress I picked out for her.”

“That’s because it was ugly,” Ella said with such an exasperated voice, Damon caught himself before smiling. God, he loved her.

This was not how it would end.

He’d have a long life with her. No other alternatives.

Julia turned the corner, walking into the kitchen.

Only three steps in, Xavier struck. Hand over her mouth, he swept her to the ground, catching her to avoid any noise. He put her in a chokehold, her body going limp a few seconds later.

One down.

“Is that all of your accounts?” Matteo asked.


“Good. Now, sign your new will. It gives Julia all your stock.”

Ella groaned. “Matteo, no one that knows me will believe this. Doesn’t it need a witness?”

“Don’t worry about that. We have plenty of witnesses that can be bought. What the hell?”

Damon froze.

“You have a bank account in Switzerland?” Matteo continued “You never told me that. How much is there?”

Ella lifted a shoulder. “I don’t know. Fifty million by now. Dad set it up for me on my thirteenth birthday. I haven’t needed to touch it.”

“Too bad you aren’t better in bed. Might have ditched Julia for you permanently.”

“Me? You sucked in bed. Can’t say I realized that then, but now I do.”

“Because you’re screwing one of those guys Julia hired to find you? You’ll sleep with anyone that looks your way, won’t you?” It sounded as though Matteo had walked across the room.

Damon readied, as did Xavier.

“Julia?” Matteo called as he rounded the corner on Damon’s side.

Damon stood, pressing the gun against Matteo’s forehead. “Sorry. She took a nap.”