Matteo stumbled back, dashing to Ella as she stood from the sofa and grabbing her before Damon could get a clear shot.
He jerked Ella in front of him. “What the hell?” He pointed the gun at Damon and then at Ella’s head. “I’ll shoot her. Leave.”
“You plan to shoot her regardless.” Damon moved toward the hitman, drawing Matteo’s attention to the far side of the room, away from Xavier. “Are you okay, baby?”
Ella nodded with wide eyes.
He looked over her face. “Did he hit you?”
“Yes. So did Walker,” she said.
“I’ll handle him later.”
“I headbutted Julia,” she said with a lot of satisfaction. “She killed my dad.”
He could see the large cut that would need stitches at the top of her forehead. A streak of blood had trailed down her temple and dripped onto her shirt. “Slater is proud.” Damon adjusted his hand on the pistol. It was incredible how easily facing off with someone had came back to him. However, instead of a gunpointed at Xavier’s head by a combatant, it was Ella. Xavier was his brother. But Ella was his world.
He kept his eyes trained on Matteo as Xavier crawled silently through the living room.
“What now, Matteo? What’s your plan? You shoot Ella, I shoot you. You shoot me, Detective Moore over there will shoot you.” Damon called over his shoulder. “Jeff, it’s your turn to come out here and introduce yourself. You remember Ella.”
Answering the summons, Jeff left his hiding spot, gun drawn, but pointed at the ground.
“Do it,” Ella said.
Damon subtly shook his head.
She lifted her chin. “Do it,” she repeated.
His gut tightened. She remembered. With a small smile, he softly said, “It’ll be okay. I promised you I’d protect you.” He readjusted his grip, but his aim remained steady and relaxed. You’ll be okay.” She had to be okay. “I love you.”
“I love you, too,” she whispered.
Matteo shifted on his feet. “Shut up! Where’s Julia?”
“Not coming to your rescue,” Damon said.
Xavier made his move. He popped up, gun pointed at the back of Matteo’s head. “Surprise.”
Matteo shifted, trying to see who it was, his hold loosening around Ella.
Ducking to the opposite side, Xavier grabbed Ella around the waist, dragging her to the ground, away from Matteo.
As Matteo turned back, gun in hand, he swung it Ella’s direction.
Damon fired.
One shot.
To the head.
Matteo fell where he stood.
Ella started to fall but Xavier caught her.
In two steps, Damon was there, taking her into his arms. “Don’t look.” He took long steps out of the condo to the hall. Then into the elevator.
“You’re safe. Thank God you’re safe.” He kissed the top of her head, the reflection in the elevator mirrors seeming like a different couple.