“Here.” Trevor moved in behind her again, pulling up the end of the gun until it set perfectly in the crook of her shoulder. “This may kick, so keep it snug.” He held her shoulder and helped her pick up the gun to aim, taking the bulk of the weight off her arms. He smelled delicious. She tilted her head to the side, her cheek resting on his.

“You ready?” he whispered.

“I’ve never held a gun before.”

“I can tell.” His hand along her shoulder and squeezed. “It will be loud. Pull the trigger, Sam.”

Without another second thought, she pulled it.

The gun discharged and kicked into her shoulder like he said it would. The gunfire scared her, even though she knew it was coming. The sound echoed in the pine trees around them. The air filled with a sharp smell she’d never forget.

The bottom of the dress shredded apart at the impact.

Loud yells and clapping erupted around her. The dress, the one she’d picked out for Jasper, was covered in pink and yellow paint and destroyed. Trashed. Dark, unexpected satisfaction rolled through her.

Her relationship was over.

Done with being scared.

Done with letting Jasper control her.

She controlled her life, and something inside snapped back together. Her confidence. Her determination.

She turned, Trevor still right beside her. He rested a hand on the back of her neck, squeezing it. “You did it—”

She kissed him.


One second, he was helping Samantha blow holes through a twenty-thousand-dollar wedding dress. The next, she was in his arms, her warm body pressed tight against his. The savage edge to her kiss loaded with passion. Just like destroying the dress, she needed another release, something else to make her remember that Jasper didn’t mean shit to her.

If she had to prove something, he’d happily be that man. No kiss before had shot straight through his body and into his soul. No woman had woven herself into his life.

Her lips and tongue set a hard pace.

In a far corner of his mind, a voice told him to take over. He wanted to. Pin her tight against his body and dominate the kiss. But she needed this. She needed to be in control.

She had to make this decision. It sweetened the kiss that she’d initiated it.

Trevor held out the gun, feeling the weight of it disappear as someone took it, giving him the use of both his hands. The good-natured clasps and whistles from the group seemed to pull her back to reality.

She jerked her head away, but he still had an arm wrapped around her waist. She wasn’t going anywhere.

“Oh…I’m sorry…I didn’t mean…” Her blue eyes blinked once.

He grinned. “Don’t ever apologize to me.” And he meant it. She could reach out to him, any time of day or night, and he’d be there for her. The realization brought an uncomfortable feeling to his chest. He swallowed and pushed the thought away.

“Now,thatis a good way to end an engagement!” Becky patted Samantha on the back and walked away. “Inside, everyone. I made a lasagna.”

While the crowd left, Trevor soaked in Samantha’s dazed look. Was it the wedding dress or the kiss that shocked her? Both? Him?

“I’m sorry about that.” She crossed her arms, glancing over her shoulder at her dress. “I think I got caught up in the moment.”

“I’m glad I was here then. I’d hate to have seen you in someone else’s arms.” And it was the truth. Acknowledging the jealousy should also warn him to take a step back. But he couldn’t. For the first time in his life, he wanted more. Not everything. Not eternity. But more.

“It won’t happen again.”

He waited until her gaze swept back to him. “Before you make that vow, can I kiss you again?” He lifted a shoulder. “One more time?”