A splotch of neon pink appeared right in the middle of the dress. The people around her cheered.
She lowered the paintball gun. Shifting to the side, she looked back at Trevor. The playboy smirk on his face said it all.
He kissed her forehead. “Kill it.” He stepped away and pointed at his sister. “Addie, it’s your party, too. I think it needs a little yellow.”
“Please, join me,” Samantha said with a half-laugh. She’d ruined her dress. Aiming, she shot it one more time. Why hadn’t her therapist told her to do this?
Addie took the gun Dewey held out and came to stand beside her. “This is for Brian.” She held up the paintball gun like a professional and shot the dress twice. She bumped Samantha with her shoulder. “Thanks for sharing.”
“Hell, no.” Eliza, with her small, rounded stomach, picked up one of the other paintball guns from the ground. “I get a shot for Zach. Idiot.” She stood on the other side of Samantha and shot it twice with pink.
These women, the ones who’d accepted her so quickly, were acting like sisters. They’d all had drama in the past, and now look at them. Addie would be married soon. Eliza seemed incredibly happy with baby number two on the way and married to Dewey. Becky took the next shot, decorating the entire bottom of the dress with yellow paint as she mumbled something about “Tommy.”
“Lexi?” Eliza held out her gun.
Samantha hadn’t spoken with Lexi much, but she liked the woman. Lexi grimaced. “Don’t hate me, but I’ve never had a bad ex. Nothing like what you girls have had. I almost wish I had now.”
Becky shrugged. “Then come shoot because you hate our ex’s. That’s good enough.”
“I’d be happy to do that.” She grinned and came over, taking Eliza’s gun. “Here you go.” She hit a line down the middle of the dress.
Nash, Lexi’s boyfriend, laughed. “I had no idea you were such a good shot, baby.”
“Becky’s been teaching me,” Lexi said as she went back to stand beside him.
Cameron motioned between himself and Dewey. “You realize we’re the ones licensed to carry. We can teach you gun safety.”
Becky barked out a laugh. “She wanted to learn to be accurate with a gun. That’s why she came to me andnotyou.” She turned to Hudson and passed off her paintball gun. “I gotta get something.” She shoved the gun into his belly and then jogged off to her house.
Cameron stepped in her way, holding up his hands. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Shut up, Deputy Downer. It’s a very good idea.” She pinched his cheek. “And if you’re nice, I’ll let you shoot the new one Hudson bought me as a graduation present.”
Cameron narrowed his eyes and dropped his hands. “Fine.”
Samantha turned to Addie. “You are all so supportive. It’s made this day easier.”
Addie set her hand on Samantha’s shoulder. “Of course. We’ve all had our share of horrible guys to deal with.” Her focus moved to Cameron. “And I think we can all safely say we’re happier now than ever before in our lives. You’ll be there, too.”
Becky came back, not running, but walking and holding a real gun.
Samantha held up her hands. “Whoa! What’s that for?”
“To end him.”
Hudson laughed and took the paintball gun from Samantha. “You mean to end the dress.”
Becky lifted a shoulder. “Maybe. I guess he should be glad he’s not here to find out.” She held out the gun. “Take it.”
Trevor stepped up. “Go on.” The serious contemplation from before had disappeared. He looked a little like a kid about to get a gift. “Blow it up.”
Samantha took the heavy gun, the metal cool under her fingers for a moment before it warmed. Was it loaded? Was she supposed to cock it or something? She held it away from her and simply stared at it. This wasn’t a prop on stage. It was the real deal. Guns weren’t her thing. She advocated for gun control.
“What is it?” Samantha asked.
“It’s a shotgun.” Becky rolled her eyes. “Here.” She took the gun, pumped the front lever-thingy, and handed it back. “Safety is off.”
Great. Perfect. Now she could really kill someone. Everyone stood there, watching her instead of running for cover. Performing opening night was less nerve-wracking. She held it up. Or tried to. Why was it so heavy?