“Good morning.” He sauntered down the hallway with confidence she envied. Jasper had shattered her own. Not professionally, but as a woman. Trevor had given her a little bit of that back.
Another door opened. Amelia emerged, her hair already styled, and her clothes perfectly pressed. Samantha tugged on the bottom of her old “I Love NY” T-shirt.
Trevor paused beside Samantha. “Did you sleep well?” He brushed the back of his fingers along the edge of her jaw to her ear before trailing them down her neck.
She took a breath and let it out with a huff. “No.”
He grinned. “I hope I had something to do with that.”
“Were you born this cocky?”
“Good morning.” Amelia smiled brightly. “I’m looking forward to breakfast. Addie told me that the lady who runs the bed and breakfast makes fantastic French toast.”
“It is delicious.” Samantha stepped to the side and motioned her forward. “After you.”
“Thank you, dear. I’d hoped we would get to spend some time together, but Trevor mentioned that you had to work today.” Amelia passed by and started down the stairs. “I wish you’d get to come to the bridal shower later today. You are Trevor’s date. I think it’s expected, don’t you?”
“I promised Becky I’d work so everyone else can go to the shower. It’s okay. Really.”
“I’ll be sure to share the pictures with you later.”
“That would be great.” Samantha took a step after her down the stairs.
Trevor’s arm snaked around Samantha’s stomach, pulling her back. “Give us a second, Mom.”
Amelia waved a hand over her shoulder. “No rush. I’ll grab us a table.”
“Thanks,” he said, spreading his hand wide across her stomach.
Amelia stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked up at them. “You two make the cutest couple.” She shook her head and continued toward the dining room.
Samantha started to move away, but Trevor didn’t release her.
“I think she bought it. You can let me go now.”
“Bought it?” Trevor released her then.
Samantha took two quick steps down the stairs, thankful for the distance. His touches made her forget this was fake. “Yes. We’re doing this for your sister, Trevor. I think you might have forgotten that.”
“I haven’t forgotten anything. But don’t stand there and tell me you don’t feel the connection between us.”
“It’s just physical.” Did she want it to be more?
“Just physical?” he repeated, his voice full of irritation.
That was better. He could keep his distance before they fell into the trap of thinking it was real. The overwhelming physical attraction to him clouded her judgment.
She ran a hand over her hair and leaned her hip on the wall. But it was more. She’d admit it to herself. He was sweet to Addie and his mom; a good friend to Grayson. Nearly perfect, aside from that dominant personality trait. Trevor liked getting his way.
The difference between him and Jasper was that Jasper’s way was for Jasper’s best interest. Trevor had proved time and again that he wanted what he thought was best for Addie. Or for Grayson. Or even for her.
Crap. Trevorwasthe good guy that she wanted to drag down the stairs and into a long, toe-curling kiss.
Trevor took one step. “Sam, I’m trying my best to go slow here, but it’s hard as hell.” He took another step. “But I’ll back off. You want space? I’ll give you space.”
What? She blinked, his declaration not matching the electricity between them. Even now, as he stepped again, ending on the same stair as her, their bodies pressed tight together. His scent was always the same. Something warm and clean that pulled her close.