Trevor moved and opened the door for her and Samantha. Samantha seemed to watch her feet instead of making eye contact with him.

“Hey, sorry about that.” He touched her shoulder.

She stiffened.

Damn it. How had their tentative relationship shifted back to the beginning? He glided his hand across her shoulder blade and rested it along her lower back. Touching her, even innocently, caused a hot burn to ignite in his chest. One that was nearly impossible to ignore.

At the bottom of the stairs, while his mom took the steps ahead of them, Trevor paused. He set both hands on her hips and pulled her back against his chest. He kissed the side her neck, before murmuring, “I’d love to look at the stars with you sometime.”

A light shiver ran through her body.

He pressed his lips to another spot, just behind her ear. Every inch of her deserved attention, but, at the moment, he’d take a date—a real one. Neither one of them pretending to be anything other than themselves.

“I’d like that, Trevor,” she said, barely a whisper.

His heartbeat echoed in his ears. Damn. An insane amount of willpower crashed down the split-second before he pushed her up against the wall.

He gave her neck one last kiss and then released her to walk up the stairs ahead of him. At her room, she didn’t pause. She mumbled, “good night,” and closed the door. Good. That was the best thing that could’ve happened. Otherwise, he’d have lingered, debated on his next move, and hope she’d give him the kiss that was bound to make his head explode.

“I just love this little B&B, Trevor.” His mom waited at the end of the hall. Her room was conveniently located across from his own.

He walked down to join her. “Yes, it is nice,” he replied in the same hushed tones. “When did you say you had to leave?” It couldn’t be soon enough. Not when he needed her out of the way before he could make a real move with Samantha. It seemed backward, and maybe it was, but he didn’t want their fake, committed relationship getting in the way of something real. Because the next time he caught himself alone with Samantha, he’d kiss her.

She needed the reassurance that he wasn’t like Jasper. She’d never again compare him to that shithead. He’d make sure of that.

“Day after tomorrow. Since Juliana is holding a small bridal shower for Addie tomorrow, I’ll leave about lunchtime the next day.”

He might survive that long.

“I have a meeting with Grayson and the new team of lawyers for the next movie tomorrow afternoon.”

“Good. That will leave Samantha free.”

“She might have to work. If everyone else is at the shower, it leaves her alone in the diner.”

His mom looked a little put out. “I’d hoped to see her again before I left.”

“You should stop by the diner for lunch. It’s good food. Just like tonight at Rhonda’s. I know you’re not a fan of the atmosphere, but you ate your entire chicken sandwich.”

His mom sighed as if she hated the thought. “Yes, it was good. And I don’t personally have a problem with it.”

That was such a lie.

“But your father will. He’s done a lot to protect her from roughnecks like that. I’m nervous he might think she’s marrying one.”

“One what?” And Addie didn’t need protection. Trevor had known for a long time that she was a computer hacker. He’d seen it on her computer once when she stayed at his house. She got paid for it, as well. When she became stuck in Statem and stayed at Cameron’s home, he’d hoped that’d give her a different focus. Maybe push her into doing something legal for an occupation. He’d never asked, and as far as he knew, she didn’t know that he already knew about the other job, so he had to trust Cameron to keep her safe.

“A roughneck, darling. You know, someone that rides motorcycles and has tattoos.”

Trevor laughed softly. “You just described Grayson, Mom. Addie’s fine, and so is Cameron. Don’t be so judgmental. You wouldn’t want other people to judge you based on your bank account and the cost of your shoes.”

She huffed. “I suppose not, but your father is still going to.” She covered her mouth as she yawned. “Sorry. For right now, I’m headed to bed.” She kissed his cheek. “Goodnight, Trevor. See you at breakfast.”

“Goodnight.” He waited for her to get into the room and hear the door lock before stepping into his room. His mom was right. His dad would not like the restaurant. He also wouldn’t be as easily distracted by Samantha.

* * *

Trevor walkedout of the door of his room at the same time as Samantha. She hesitated, the last moment they shared still fresh in her mind. His seductive words, the way he’d kissed her neck, had sat center-stage in her dreams.