He unwrapped it and took a deep breath.
“Granda, don’t waste time,” Tessa hissed. “You’ve got to—”
Before she could finish speaking, her grandfather had polished off the burger in three massive, swift bites. Tessa watched in wide-eyed awe as he pocketed the wrapper and held his hand out.
“Sweet, suffering Jesus,” she said under her breath, and handed him back his cash.
Dominic was easy to spot among the tables of pub-goers. A few of Tessa’s schoolmates said hello as she side-stepped between the tables. When she reached Dom, there was already a pint waiting for her. Tessa didn’t normally drink beer, but at a pub, there hardly seemed to be another choice.
After sharing initial sips and greetings, Tessa met Dominic’s gaze. “So, what’s the craic?”
“With me?” he said. “Not much. I’m working for my father.”
“That’s nice. D’you enjoy the work?”
He shrugged. “It’s fine. What about you? What are you doing for work these days?”
“I’m still writing for the paper,” Tessa said. “But I also work for the Stanmore FC women’s team doing their social media.”
Even mentioning Stanmore made a pang shoot through Tessa’s chest. It was a reminder of Jamie. She pushed it down with another swig of beer.
“How d’you like it?” he asked.
“The pay is great,” she replied, and it was true. If only her soulmate being there wasn’t going to ruin her life. “Not that football is exactly my passion, but living in London isn’t cheap.”
“No doubt,” he said with a chuckle. “I still can’t believe you live there. It seems so busy.”
“Oh, aye, it is. But I love the diversity of the city. I love how much there is to do. I don’t even mind the tourists.”
“I’m rarely in central London where they tend to be. But when I am, I don’t mind. I just love living somewhere with so much life.”
“Perhaps I’ll have to visit you sometime and see what all the fuss is about.”
“You should! It’ll be grand. I’ll show you all the restaurants that are actually good.”
“Ach, you sure know the way to my heart.”
He smiled as he sipped his beer, and for a moment, Tessa let herself imagine what it would be like to show him around London. He certainly wouldn’t shy away from holding her hand while they explored. He wouldn’t jerk away if she leaned in for a kiss. He might even put an arm around her. Her heart cracked inside her chest.
She picked up her pint glass and downed it.
Dominic blinked. “Woah. There’s, er, no need to rush, Tessa.”
She slammed the glass back down on the table. “Another round?”
His eyes bounced between his nearly full glass and her face. “I’m alright.”
“I’ll just help myself then.”
She pushed herself to her feet and headed to the bar to order another. She also ordered a shot of whiskey, which she took before carrying the beer back to her table. Dominic pinned her with a look.
“Are you alright, Tessa?” he asked. “Seriously.”
Tessa heaved a sigh. “No, I’m not. I broke up with my girlfriend. I’m cut up about it, but I can’t talk to my best friend because she’s just had a baby. I can’t talk to my parents about it because they’ll just tell me some gobshite about how I’m better off because she’s English.”
“Christ, you were with an English girl?”