“No kiss hello?” he asks, crowding close.
The important thing about tonight is to remind myself that I have control. Even when it’s all of us together and I have a big surgery on Monday morning to prepare for, I can spend a weekend away with my guys and call the shots.
I smile. “I’ll explain the rules in a little bit.”
He shakes his head, but looks curious. That’s Jackson, always up for anything and willing to go with the flow. He saunters over to the table and chooses the middle of the three seats I have setup across the table so that I can stand on one side and deal to them.
Wyatt is next. He moves in close, towering over me and doesn’t hesitate to lift his hand and cup my cheek. I give him a warning look.
He grins. “Okay, I can wait to hear the rules.” He loops a gift bag over my wrist and I hear the soft sound of metal clinking. He winks. “But let’s get this going.”
Then he turns and heads for the table as well, sitting to Jackson’s right.
Luke is last, but certainly not least. He steps close, taking up even more of my personal space than Jackson or Wyatt did. He hands me a small black box with a red bow on top. “I love playing, but I’ve missed the hell out of you, so let’s not drag this out.”
I love that they are impatient. I’ve missed them too. Especially when the time apart was filled with uncertainty.
But this is going to be fun. My guys love to compete, and after all, they are the ones that taught me that delayed satisfaction can be oh so delicious.
I take my gifts and cross the room, setting them on the counter, then turn to face them.
They are all blatantly studying me in my very short skirt and stockings.
“You don’t want to open your gifts?” Jackson asks.
I shake my head. “I know that I will love them. You guys picked them out for me. And we’ll be using them together. So I know it’s going to be fun and wonderful. I don’t need to know anything ahead of time. I trust that whatever happens will be perfect.”
Obviously there is a lot of underlying meaning to my words, and I love that I can look into their faces and see that they understand that.
I take my place across the table from them. In poker, obviously, the players don’t sit right next to one another, but in this kind of poker, it won’t matter. I pick up the deck of cards and shuffle them. “Does anyone need anything to eat or drink?” I ask sweetly.
“Let's just do this,” Wyatt says, a little gruffly. “Whatever has to happen before I can kiss you.”
I lift a brow at him. “We’re going to have fun,” I promise him. “Tonight is very important.”
“If you need to direct this a certain way you go right ahead, sweetheart,” Jackson says, giving the other guys a look. “We’re so excited to see you and be here together. You’ll have to forgive these two.”
I smile at them. “I’m really happy to see you too. I promise it will all be worth it.”
“Tell us what’s going on, Angel,” Luke says, his tone also a little short, but I know it means he’s just impatient.
I shuffle again and tell them, “I’m going to deal five cards. You have the chance to exchange up to three cards just like in five-card draw. Winning hand gets the first prize.”
Wyatt sits forward. “No bidding?”
I shake my head. “Luck of the draw.”
“And what does each winner get?” Luke asks, his gaze sliding to the gifts they’ve brought me.
I grin. “Those are for later. Winner gets to hear me say something very important to him, gets to say whatever he wants to me or anyone else at the table, and then…” I look at each of them with a little smirk. “I’ll take one piece of clothing off.”
They all sit forward, and Luke growls, “Deal the cards.”
The way they want me is addictive. My body is already hot and tingly, and the tiny thong I am wearing is already wet.
“How do we know when the game is over?” Jackson asks.
“When I’ve said everything I need to say,” I tell them.