Page 170 of Light My Fire

“What if you’re bare-assed naked and Jackson hasn’t won a hand yet so you haven’t said anything to him?” Wyatt asks.

Ah, yes, my less competitive, plays-poker-only-for-fun boyfriend. I smile at Jackson. I love all of their different personalities so much.

I lift a shoulder. “We’re all a team now. If we all have an ultimate goal in mind…” I glance over at the gifts sitting on the countertop, then back to them. “Then we need to come up with a way to get to it. Together.”

I’m making a point here but also counting on the fact that while they do love to compete, they love our team more.

Luke smacks the table with an open palm. “Deal the fucking cards, Brooke.”

Oooh, Brooke, not Angel. Heisimpatient now.

I grin and start tossing cards down in front of each of them.

They turn them over, Luke asks for two new ones, Jackson wants three new ones, and Wyatt stays.

They turn them face up and Wyatt wins.

I smile and round the table. I slide into his lap and actually feel him shudder as he pulls me close and puts his face against my neck.

God, this man.

I slide my fingers into his hair and hold him close. “Wyatt, I’m in love with you.”

His head comes up quickly, his gaze clashing with mine.

I nod. “I’m madly, completely in love with you. The way you love me, the way you make me feel like a queen, the way you always put me first. And the way you love Luke and Jackson. I can’t imagine my life without you. Without you taking care of me, without trying constantly to think of ways to take care of you and having you always get there first, but still wanting to try because you deserve that. Just being in your orbit and being therecipient of some of this amazing heart. I want to be with you. I know that now for sure.”

He looks like he is about to say something, then pauses. “Can I talk now?” he asks.

I smile, feeling tears prick at the back of my eyes. “See? Even when I know that it’s taking everything you’ve got to hold back, you’re still putting me first, and really listening.” I press a kiss to his lips but then pull back before it gets deep. “Yes, you can talk now.”

“I am madly, completely in love with you, too. And as I guess you figured out, I will do anything for you. I have realized that seeing you happy is the most important thing to me, and I want to make you the happiest woman in the world. And I realize that to do that, I need Jackson and Luke. So I’m in. I’m all in with this. With us. All of us. However, you want that to go.”

I wrap my arms around him and give him a huge hug. “How I want it to go, is all of us together, starting right now.”

I push back and stand, though.

I look at all of them. “Now that the talking portion has started, I do want to say to all of you, I do think eventually we will end up living together. But I think for now, we take it slow. We keep our own places, but stay together whenever that feels right. We go on group dates more often than individual. Or we just stay home. But sometimes individual stuff makes sense. And sometimes it will be the three of you without me. And maybe sometimes it will be me with two of you and not one because he’s off doing something else. And all of that is okay. We’ll just take this day by day, but I want us to be together, committed, and monogamous…” I laugh softly. “Or whatever it is when I only have three boyfriends.”

They all, thankfully, chuckle.

“We can do that,” Wyatt says.

I breathe deeply and then start to round the table back to my dealer's position.

“Um, excuse me,” he says, reaching out and grabbing the back of my skirt. “I believe you’re supposed to take something off.”

I lift a brow, then look down at his hand. “The zipper’s right there. Help me out.”

He gives a little growl and the next thing I know, the zipper on my dress has been yanked down and my skirt is lying in a black, silky pool at my feet.

I step out of it and saunter back to my position behind the table. But I know all of my guys got a very good view of me in only my black thong, garters, and black stockings.

“Jesus Christ,” Luke mutters.

“Please tell me she’s keeping the stockings and garters on later,” Jackson says, his eyes glued to me.

“That can definitely be arranged,” Wyatt agrees.