It’s right on top, not even hidden away.
Did he really drug this girl so hard he didn’t have to worry about her getting to it?
If Dean wasn’t already on it, I’d be out there snapping the prick’s neck myself. Part of me wants to go and take over, unleash hell on him for hurting her, but I can’t bring myself to leave her alone.
I unlock the metal cuff from her ankle and see how purple the skin is underneath.
Rage simmers deep inside me. I’m tempted to let it burn its way out, have it set my body ablaze, and let this entire fucking building burn to the ground with it.
The fight out in the hall is heating up and once I hear gunshots I know Dean might need my help. A guard walks past the door, not bothering to look this way as his eyes are set on the other end of the hall.
Leaving the girl for now, I sneak out and come up behind the guard, taking him by surprise as I grab his head. I twist it to the side and he tries to shake me off, but I’ve done this enough times to know how to use my victim’s strength to my advantage.
I loosen up my hold just enough for him to think he has the upper hand, then when he swings his head to the side with all his might, I apply an intense pressure to his skull and let his momentum do most of the work. His head twists until his neck snaps with a small yet satisfyingcrack.
“Shit, Carver, did he get you?” I ask as I spot the bullet holes in Tommaso and the walls surrounding him.
Dean checks himself over and shakes his head, “I think I’m good.”
I really hope he’s not just saying that, but I’m going to have to trust him since we need to already be on our way out of here.
Heading back into the bedroom, I find the girl hasn’t moved at all. Scooping her up into my arms, her head rolls onto my chest and her forehead creases. For a brief moment, everything feels right.
She fits perfectly against me. Her long body curls against mine and it’s in this moment that I realize I don’t ever want to let her go.
“What are you doing with her?” Dean asks as I carry her out of the bedroom. He rolls Tommaso over to recover his knife from the body.
“I can’t just leave her.”
“Please! Please, don’t!” The old fucker opens his mouth, huh, I assumed he was dead. “I have money, you can keep the girl and I’ll give you whatever you want!”
I’m about to ask why he had her in the first place when Dean stabs him in the heart, killing him for good.
After he gets photo evidence of our kill, he turns to me pointing his knife my way. I ignore him and look at the girl in my arms as I feel her fingers twitch against my chest.
“If any of this gets connected back to us, I’m blaming it all on you,” Dean snaps, but his anger rolls right off me.
We make it outside without interruption until Danny stops us at the gate. “Shit.” His eyes are wide as he stares at who’s in my arms.
This little fucker.
“Got something to say?” I ask coldly.
“No—she—” he starts to stammer.
“You knew she was in there?” Dean takes the words right out of my mouth.
He looks between us, clearly unsure of what truth to give us. “Usually she’s in the basement so I didn’t think you’d see her.”
The rage that I thought I’d kept tamed deep inside me is thrashing against its chains.
“Bones, we have to leave. This is your call.” Dean looks at me, clearly impatient to get this done so he can get home. Finally, I think I understand him.
Just as he has his little captive, this girl in my arms is now mine.
Which means I need to know what this guy did to her. “Did you touch her?”
His silence is his death sentence. I don’t need to think twice to know that he deserves to die.