Page 13 of All Your Hate

Before I can fully fill my lungs with another breath, I’ve got my gun aimed at his head and I’m pulling the trigger.

After the shot rings out, the only sound is the thud of his body on the ground.

Now, that felt good.

We make our way to our respective cars, there’s no time to pat ourselves on our backs for another finished job. Especially not for one that wasn’t even well done. This was shoddy work that we shouldn’t attach our names to, but it’s too late to worry about that.

I place the girl on my backseat and feel how cold her skin is. Shrugging my jacket off, I lay it over her to help warm her up.

“What am I going to do with you?”

I don’t have a clue how to look after another person, I barely look after myself most days.

Yet for some reason I want to do everything I can for her.



Ican’t stop staring at the sleeping beauty in my bed. She’s not moved a muscle since I put her there hours ago. I should dress her or pull the blankets up, but all I want to do is admire her. Sitting here with my cock in my hand is excruciating. I’m so hard, but I can’t bring myself to finish like this.

The last thing I should be doing is touching myself when she doesn’t have a clue I’m here.

All I want is to sink inside her.

That’s the impulsive part of my brain talking again, making me try and act out every whim it has. I snap the hair tie, that I always keep on my wrist, a few times until that impulse starts to die down. It doesn’t always help, but lucky for me—or more so her—it’s worked to help calm the cravings for her.

There are things I need to do before I can make her fully mine.

Giving myself a final squeeze I imagine it’s her and not my hand, then I take a deep breath and zip up.

See, I knew I had some self-restraint.

I go to stand next to her and let my fingers graze up her body, over the myriad of bruises tarnishing her perfect skin. All the way up to her lips.

My phone buzzing in my pocket startles me back to reality. She doesn’t react to the sound at all and I know I can safely answer the call without her waking. The old fucker drugged her with some seriously heavy shit.

Checking the caller ID I see it’s Dean. That’s odd, he’s usually a text-only kind of guy.

“Miss me already?” I ask as I answer.

“Please, help me! Dean's hurt. I think he’s been shot or stabbed, I'm not sure. He's not moving, I don’t know what to do!” The woman on the other end is frantic, her voice high-pitched with panic and I’m pretty sure she’s crying.

It takes a moment to even register what she’s talking about.

Dean? The idiot. I fucking knew something was wrong back at the Abato estate.

“Shit, okay.” Pinching the bridge of my nose I think of what to do. I can only take a lucky guess that he's been shot rather than stabbed from all the gunfire that went down. “Does it look like the bullet's gone straight through?”

“Umm, I’m not sure, I think so, it looks like it hit his side. There’s so much blood.” I can see why he likes this girl so much. The crazy motherfucker gets off on the ones that cry a lot. And if she’s squeamish at the sight of blood then he’s really found his dream girl.

I’m surprised she’s calling me for help and not making a run for it. Guess things are as good as Dean believes they are.

“Okay, just keep pressure on it. I’ll call ahead to the hospital, you call for an ambulance as soon as I hang up.”

“But the police—won’t they—” Christ, he might actually bleed out if she doesn’t calm down.

“I’ll handle that, just take care of him.” I hang up on her and hope she actually uses some common sense to help him. There’s no point in me driving all the way there, he’d be gone by the time I arrived. But if she can get an ambulance there on time he should pull through.