Fuck. No, I can’t think about any of that now.
I take another step towards the woman and look at Dean. He just shrugs, clearly not giving a shit about her as he moves to deal with Tommaso.
What the hell am I supposed to do with her?
We can’t just kill her. Dean may be fine with tying up loose ends that way, but I’d rather not kill an innocent.
She’s naked, her body’s littered with bruises and there’s a chain locked around her ankle, connecting her to the bedpost.
What the hell has the old fucker been doing with her?
Shit. It’s obvious. Why else would she be naked?
I crouch down next to her and brush the hair from her face. My heart comes to a complete stop as my entire world tilts on its axis, tossing me into a place I swore I’d never go.
She's the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.
I’ve only ever thought that about my own reflection, but there’s something about this woman. She has an ethereal beautyabout her. Her sharp features and dark hair match mine so closely that I can’t help but think that some cosmic power has left her here for me to find.
The only movement she makes as I stroke her cheek is her chest rising with steady breaths, telling me she’s alive. I notice the bruising around her neck and the angry red needle marks. There are so many of them.
“She’s been drugged.” I can’t hide the anger in my tone.
There’s an urge awakening inside of me that makes me want to protect this girl, to shelter her from the entire world, and also to destroy it for her.
“You know her or something?” Dean keeps his voice low so he doesn’t accidentally wake our target up.
All I can do is shake my head. I don’t know her at all, but I feel like I do. It’s like she’s already a part of me. My soul has latched onto hers just by being in her presence and it’s refusing to let go.
“Why do you care then? She’s probably some whore. Either kill her or leave her.”
Why do I care?
I look back over my shoulder and see Dean about to get to work on Tommaso.
“Wait!” I snap.
“What the hell?” Dean sounds pissed off, but I don’t care. I’m not leaving her like this and if we have time for Dean to cut up the guy however he wants then we definitely have time to find answers.
“We should question him. Find out who she is.”
Dean shakes his head, dismissing me as he moves his attention back to Tommaso.
For fuck’s sake. I’ve humored him at every turn with his captive. Not once have I told him that keeping her is a reckless idea that might end up with him in jail. So why can’t he let me take over here?
Before his blade can do any damage, I rush over and drag him away from the sleeping man.
The jerky movement causes him to wake up and Dean slaps his palm over Tommaso’s mouth before he can get more than two words out.
Both of us only notice his hand on the underside of the nightstand when it’s too late. There’s no doubt in my mind that there’s a hidden panic button there, which means we are out of fucking time.
“Fuck. We have about ten minutes to get out of here. We don’t have time to fucking talk,” Dean quickly says, but fuck that. All we need to know is how to help the girl.
“Where’s the key?” I quickly ask, but my question is ignored as the man starts to fight against Dean’s hold on him. He’s larger than Dean and manages to break free to run for the door. I should really help chase after him, but Dean’s a big boy, he can handle himself.
Using the distraction to my advantage, I root around in the nightstand for a key.
Fucking bingo.