Zach turned his head to pierce her in his stare. “Well, I hoped your land and my land could get together…and build a bigger ranch.”
Did he just buy her an engagement pasture?
Her eyes glimmered with tears. Cupping his cheek, she leaned in and brushed her lips across his. “I can’t think of a better ending.”
The tinkle of Rainie’s laugh rang throughout the ranch. With a smile he couldn’t control, Zach slipped on his best western shirt and fastened the line of mother of pearl buttons. Another giggle reached him from the living room, and his smile widened.
Leaving the top two buttons open, he checked his appearance in the bedroom mirror, something he never did. But tonight he wanted to look his best for Opal. His woman should be proud to be on his arm when they attended the Gracey Ranch New Year’s Eve bash.
He stepped out of the bedroom he’d been sharing with Opal for a couple months now and followed the sound of more laughter to the source.
Rainie sat on the floor, dragging a red ribbon in front of her new kitten. The tan fluffball pounced on it, and Rainie let out a squeal of delight.
“Biscuit is so cute, Momma! Look, Zach! Isn’t shesocute?”
He beamed down at the girl and then turned his focus to her mother. Opal perched on the arm of the sofa, grinning at her daughter’s joy and Biscuit’s antics.
“Biscuit is adorable, Rainie.”
“He is pretty cute. And so are you, pumpkin.”
“Yes! Santa brought them!” Rainie popped up to her feet to show off her new princess pajamas she also received for Christmas. But the kitten was by far her favorite gift.
“Rainie, honey, we’re going to leave in a few minutes.”
“To the sleepover!”
“That’s right, sweetie. With Paige.”
“And Ellie too!” She bounced up and down.
The McMasters had expressed so much remorse over what happened to Rainie at their house that they were allowing their daughter to spend time with Rainie at hers and Paige’s too.
Opal looked down at her daughter. “Why don’t you go get your frog backpack and we’ll go to the sleepover?”
“Yay!” Rainie shot off to her bedroom.
Zach turned to Opal, giving her a slow once-over. She wore a flirty skirt and cowgirl boots. The deep red of her top made her skin glow, and her dark hair hung in waves over her shoulders.
Reaching for her hips, he stepped close. “Momma’s looking mighty fine tonight.”
Her eyes glinted, and she ran her hands over his shirt. “You’re not so shabby yourself. You’ll be the hottest cowboy at the New Year’s Eve party.”
His lips hovered a breath from her glossy pout. “And you’re the most stunning woman in the world.” He couldn’t think of a better way to ring in the New Year—with the people he now considered family on the Gracey Ranch.
Their lips brushed in a tender kiss. The thump of little feet on the floor broke them apart just as Rainie blasted in with her backpack.
“I’m ready!” Rainie’s gaze fell on the kitten gamboling around on the floor and happy expression crumbled. “Can I take Biscuit with me?”
“I’m sorry, sweetie, but no. Biscuit will be happier here at home.”
“No, she won’t! She’ll miss me and cry.”
Zach traded a look with Opal and then crouched before the little girl. “Your momma and I will be home with Biscuit. We’ll take care of her.”
“Can she sleep in your bed?”