Page 57 of Loco

I could tell that she’d been crying. “V, is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not right now, but thanks. I don’t know how long I’ll be on lockdown again—”

So it was club related! Did that mean Lissa was on lockdown, too? I didn’t question V any further, because it was obvious that she was too upset to talk about it right then. “Don’t worry about BS, I’ve got her until you come home.”

“Thanks again, Millie. I’ll talk to you again later.”

We disconnected and I set my phone back down. I wondered what had happened, and if V was in any danger. Bull seemed super preoccupied with her safety, which I thought was sweet. I knew that he’d keep her safe until whatever was going on was over.

I glanced at the clock. BS wouldn’t expect her dinner until after five because that’s when V usually made it home. I had a late afternoon job to take care of, and then I would be done for the day. It was close to Helen’s, so I decided that I might stop in since she’d been gone the day before.

I tried not to let Loco’s silence get me down, but he was all I could think about as I drove myself to the Walton’s residence. They’d gone to Hawaii for two weeks, and I’d been taking care of Oreo and Freckles, the children’s Guinea pigs.

I was in and out in half an hour and on my way to Helen’s.

Then I was going to head to the clubhouse and seek out Loco.


I threw back my third whiskey while I stewed about something I didn’t know how to fucking fix. Stepping into my bedroom and seeing the panties that I’d collected strewn about my bed and Millie gone was a message that I’d received loud and clear. What pissed me the fuck off was that instead of staying and talking to me about it, she’d just left without a word.

I had a fucking past! And maybe I still needed to clean some shit up and make changes, but it didn’t help that I had a woman who second-guessed herself and questioned my motives when it came to her. Finding that drawer had hurt her, I got that, but fuck, give me a break! I was a man-whore and we did stupid shit. As soon as I’d seen what she’d done, I’d called a prospect up to get rid of the collection of panties. I’d also stripped my bed and told the prospect to burn the stuff. Then I’d ordered a new fucking bed.

This relationship shit wasn’t easy, and I had to ask myself if it was worth it.

A lot of shit had been going down in the club lately, most of which involved LD’s chapter in Vegas, but it still affected us. The murder of Cappy, their VP, and now Bull’s uncle. Taking out Freak and Stretch, the last of the fucking Knights. The cops nosing around. LD had a traitor in the house, and until they found out who it was, they were on fucking lockdown again. I hadn’t shared any of that with Millie because it was all club business and wouldn’t affect her. Besides, I hadn’t wanted to scare her away. If I’d thought she was in any danger I would have brought her in and locked her ass down too.

Hell, maybe her reaction to those panties was a sign that I should just turn her loose. It wouldn’t be easy, I already had feelings for her, but letting her go now would be a helluva lot easier than waiting until I was actually in love with the woman. The sex was good--it was out of this fucking world good--but I’d been happy before with random pussy, and I could be happy with it again. It would make my life easier.

Easy sounded good right then.

I motioned our newest prospect, Bam Bam, over for another shot. He brought the bottle over and poured. “To the fucking top,” I grated when he went to pull away. I was beginning to feel the buzz. “Leave the bottle.” He didn’t say anything, he knew better, even though it was our top shelf stuff, expensive, and usually saved for special occasions.

I sighed. Yeah, maybe I should give Millie up. Make both our lives easier. I should stick with what I knew best. I caught Kelly’s eye where she was talking with Snake and motioned her over. Her smile revealed that she thought she knew why I wanted her. She was right. I had something to prove, and I needed the familiarity of being in control of my fucking life.

“You want me, baby?” she cooed, slithering around me like a snake in Eden’s Garden. The strength of her perfume stung my eyes, but I overlooked its stinging power by looking down at her tits. The only thing that her top covered were her nipples, and I wondered why she even bothered.

I finished my drink, grabbed the bottle, and slid off the stool. “Yeah, come on.”

She followed me without speaking, knowing the drill. Club sluts weren’t kept around for their conversational skills, and I wasn’t in the mood. I was feeling good from the whiskey and had made up my mind that I was going to do something stupid. Part of me, the drunk part, realized that there’d be no coming back from what I was about to do, and didn’t care. The other part of me wanted no part of it. Christ, my dick wasn’t even fucking hard yet.

As soon as I opened the door to my room, my eyes lit on the bare mattress of my bed. I didn’t give a fuck. We’d just be adding more stains to the ones that were already there. I sat down on the end of the bed and brought the bottle to my lips, drinking down a good portion of it. Then I handed it to Kelly. She took a drink and set the bottle on the floor at our feet.

“I thought you were off the market,” she made the mistake of saying, even while her hands reached for my cut.

I slapped her hand away. “You don’t touch my cut.”

She laughed nervously. “What can I touch?”

I was slow in answering due to the alcohol in my system. “You know what you can put your hands on. But first, get naked.”

She stood directly in front of me and removed her miniscule top, dropping it to the floor. Next, she slithered out of leather skirt. I wasn’t surprised to see that she wasn’t wearing anything beneath it. The number one rule of the club was that they were ready for dick at any time, so some of them made it easy by skipping underwear. My eyes landed on her bare pussy before traveling up to take in her heavy tits.


Not one tiny movement of my dick to indicate that he wanted a piece of her. Any other time I would have been all over her before she’d gotten completely naked. What the fuck? I couldn’t have had that much to drink. “Play with yourself.” Maybe visual stimulation would help.

Without hesitation or question, Kelly put her hand between her legs and began to finger herself. I watched as she manipulated her clit and fucked herself, letting her go on long enough that I could tell when she was turned on. She was poised close enough that if I leaned in just a few inches I could take her nipple in my mouth, and her eyes were closed, her head slightly back, moaning sharply as she pleasured herself.