Page 51 of Loco

Body’s question told me that I’d hesitated too long. “Nope. No problem.” I smiled and got into my car and tried not to think about what I could be walking in on.

As I followed behind Body, I began to question my memory of how to get to Loco’s clubhouse. Either I was completely off-base, or Body was taking a different route. I hadn’t exactly been paying attention the last time, since Lissa had been driving, but I didn’t remember her taking all these back roads. My mind started swirling with crazy ideas about where Body was really taking me, and why, and when we finally ended up on the highway that led out to the desert, I breathed a sigh of relief.

I laughed at my silliness. The situation with Russ had really gotten me spooked. The desert highway was just as isolated as the back roads and went on and on, but I felt better driving on a road that I was somewhat familiar with. Within minutes we turned off onto a smaller, dustier road, and I saw the clubhouse looming in the distance.

It looked different in daylight, but was still just as imposing. The darkness the last time I’d been there had hidden the other buildings on the property. I could see a warehouse-type structure in the back. One bay door was open, and several men were inside working on motorcycles. Further back on the property, there was some kind of construction going on. There was also a fenced-in area that was filled with playground equipment. Picnic tables beneath huge umbrellas were placed right outside of that area. With the exception of a twelve-foot fence, the entire compound was surrounded by nothing but a dry desert of tumbleweeds, desert plants and cacti, and boulders.

The whole thing reminded me of a fortress. No one was getting in unless they were invited.

Someone at the gate opened it when he saw us, and I followed Body inside. I glanced in my review mirror to see that same someone closing the gate behind us. There were a couple of other vehicles parked next to the main building, and I pulled up next to one. By the time I’d turned off my engine and climbed out of my car, Body was already off his bike and waiting for me.

“A big change from when I was here during one of your parties,” I murmured as I neared him.

He gave me a slight nod. “Yeah, it’s quiet around here during the days. Everyone is out working.” He turned and walked me toward the door.

“Working at what?” I asked before I could catch myself. I probably didn’t want to know, and he probably wouldn’t tell me anyway.

He shot me a quick look over his shoulder as he reached for the door. “A lot of things. Selling drugs, human trafficking, killing our enemies.”

I let out a gasp and stopped short, my jaw dropping. He was kidding, right? His expression looked so serious.

He stared at me long and hard for a minute, and then he burst out with laughter. “Relax, honey, I’m just messing with you. Most of the brothers have regular jobs, and the club owns a lot of businesses.”

I immediately socked him in the arm and walked past him into the clubhouse. “That wasn’t funny!” I snapped, but I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on my face once he was behind me and couldn’t see it.

“It kind of was.”

I paused for a second to let my eyes adjust as I looked for Loco. I expected him to be at the bar, and I was right. He was sitting with several of his brothers and two of the club girls. They turned when Body and I walked in, and Loco slid off his stool and came to me. Before I had time to greet him, he swept me up into his arms and slammed his mouth down on mine.

He stole my breath, along with my sanity. All thoughts, at least any reasonable ones, flew from my mind, and I was left dazed and instantly hot from his rough, unexpected possession. As he worked his mouth over mine and our tongues twisted together, I was aware of where his big hands were on my body. He took hold of my ass and jerked me up against him. I moaned loudly at the feel of his hard erection. Male laughter and encouragement from his brothers penetrated my dull senses.

I wasn’t used to this kind of public display of affection, and I couldn’t remember the last time that a kiss had gotten me hot so fast that my body released a flood of arousal. My panties were soaked within seconds, and all I could do was pray that the evidence of my reaction to Loco didn’t go through my jeans. When he was finally done, he pulled away. I clung to the cut over his chest to keep from falling.

“Damn, darlin’, if my brothers weren’t here I’d bend you over that pool table and fuck you hard.”

I shivered at the image and laughed huskily. “It’s only been a few hours.” I was vaguely aware that Body stepped around us and went to the bar.

“Don’t matter. I’ve never had a woman, and something about you keeps my motor running.” He wrapped his arm over my shoulder and steered me toward the bar. “Those of you brothers that don’t know, this is Millie. She’s mine.”

I rolled my eyes. “And he’s mine.” The men laughed, but the women didn’t, and I could see in their eyes and on their faces that if they had said something it wouldn’t be nice. Their eyes moved over me critically, and it was clear that they didn’t think that I was in the same category as they were when it came to looks.

Loco made the introductions, and I could only hope that I remembered who everyone was later. Through it all I couldn’t keep my eyes off Demon and the SpongeBob SquarePants eye patch that he was wearing. I’d learned earlier that he’d lost an eye years ago, but to see the big, tough-looking president of an outlaw motorcycle club wearing something like that made him appear more friendly and approachable.

“It’s nice to meet you all,” I said when I realized that Loco wasn’t going to introduce the two women to me. They didn’t seem to care anyway. Both of them were clinging on one of the men, who I believed had been introduced as Snake.

“Want anything to drink, darlin’?” Loco sat down and pulled me onto his lap.

I smiled at Rylie. “Do you have any iced tea?”

He shook his head. “Sorry—”

“He will after today,” Demon said, giving Rylie a meaningful look.

It was hard to concentrate with Loco nuzzling my neck. All I could do was smile back at Demon. One particular nibble behind my ear caused a moan to escape me, and when Loco opened his mouth and began to suck on me, I was pretty sure that I had a mini-orgasm right there. I felt my breath catch as my core clenched. It wasn’t fair that he was doing that to me right there in front of his brothers. How would he feel if I were to suddenly start putting the moves on him?

I tried to pull away, but Loco wrapped an arm around my middle and kept me firmly on his lap. I felt his grin against me. He knew what he was doing to me! The jerk! I was weak where he was concerned, and he knew it. Well, two could play at that game. A wicked smile spread across my face as I began to wiggle over his erection and press my bottom down hard on it. I was sure I wasn’t the only one to hear his hiss.

There was a beer in front of us and, assuming that it was Loco’s, I grabbed it and took a long swallow. Every shift of my body was designed to torture him, and before long he was grinding his cock into my ass and breathing heavily into my ear.