Page 50 of Loco

Using Millie as bait.

I didn’t like where Prez was going with that, but I’d be watching her, too, and I wouldn’t let anything happen to her. Christ, it was starting already. I was turning into my pussy whipped brothers. Instead of worrying about the next pussy I’d be diving into I was worried about a single woman who’d managed to get under my skin so fucking fast I didn’t know what had hit me.

I clenched my jaw as I realized what was happening. Never in a million fucking years had I seen this shit coming. I glanced at Doc. He was sitting there with a knowing smirk on his face, one that I wanted to punch right off, and he knew it. Asshole.

“It sucks to realize that you’ve grown up, doesn’t it, Brother?”

It wasn’t a question, it was an observation. I pressed my lips, refusing to let Doc, or anyone else, rile me up. An outburst would only reveal how right they all were, and I wasn’t about to admit that until now, I’d been nothing but a horny punk who only thought about himself and lived in the moment. Hell, I’d even stopped dying my Mohawk, and I’d let the thing grow out. That should have been a fucking warning.

I needed a drink.

Fuck that, I needed to get laid.

“Let’s vote. All in agreement to end Russ, say ‘aye.’”

A chorus sounded out.


Not one peep.

Demon sat back in his chair with a satisfied expression on his dark face.

“Should we tell Torch?” Snake asked.

“I’ll call LD,” Demon responded. “He can deal with the fallout, if there’s any.”

I couldn’t imagine there would be, but Torch could be unpredictable.

“Anything else we need to bring to the table?”

Silence followed Demon’s question.

Once he ended church, I headed out to the bar.

Chapter 23


Helen wasn’t home, but her car was there, which meant that someone from her family had probably come by and picked her up for the day. Owen was sitting in the window looking miserable because he wasn’t outside where he loved to be. I went up to the window to say hi to him and he hissed and swiped at me, which caused me to laugh out loud.

When I turned back around to go to my car, I noticed that Body’s head was bent and he was speed texting on his phone. I hadn’t thought it necessary to have someone follow me to Helen’s, but Loco had insisted that until Russ was found, I had no choice. Besides, he’d explained, prospects were on probation for a couple of years, and this was the kind of detail that helped them earn their patches. So in reality, I was helping Body. It was a stretch, but I didn’t argue.

Body was handsome in a young Brad Pitt kind of way, and he was built like him, too. My mind went instantly to the movieTroy, one of my favorite Pitt movies, mostly because it showed off his hot body, and Body had that same kind of cold, serious look on his face. While I guessed his age to be somewhere around mid-twenties, he seemed a lot older. Harder around the edges. Too serious, like most of the men in the club were. I didn’t know much about him except that after high school he’d gone into the Marines for a few years.

The Marines had a way of turning boys into men.

Body must have sensed that I was on the move, because he looked up from his phone.

“She isn’t home,” I explained. I opened my car door to get in.

“Loco wants me to bring you to the clubhouse.”

I hesitated. I wasn’t sure why, but suddenly the thought of going there made me uncomfortable, probably because of what had happened the last time I’d been there. I doubted there’d be a full-on party going on this early in the day, and thought that maybe Loco wanted me to see what the place was like on a normal day, to show me that the guys weren’t just about getting loud, drunk, and high.

Oh, and fucked.
