Page 50 of Ruthless

Freedom was so close, and yet so far. I managed to avoid his hand by turning around on the seat and facing him. I kicked out to keep him away from me, practically falling backwards out of the car. I slid off the seat, my backside hitting the pavement with a jarring thud that sent pain ricocheting through my body. I cried out, hoping to get the attention of the man who'd just replaced the nozzle and was about to climb back into his jeep.


"Get her!" Daryl yelled out.

Who was he yelling at? I looked behind me to see Jack exiting the Circle K. When he saw what was happening he picked up his speed.

I yelled again. "Someone help me!" I was unable to get to my feet because Daryl had a death grip around one of my ankles. "Help!" I glanced frantically at the man who was now inside his jeep. I could see the indecision in his eyes. He turned to his passenger, who'd become animated and was yelling something at him, which didn't turn out so good for me. With a downward twist on his lips he started his vehicle and tore away from the gas pump without looking back.

Are you kidding me? I screamed in frustration, watching them pull out into traffic. What was wrong with people? There was no one else around, and I began to kick out with growing panic, hoping to break free before Jack reached me. "Help me!" I screamed. I felt someone slide their arms under my armpits and begin to lift me, but when I glanced up to see Jack's unsmiling face I let him pull me to my feet, and then I elbowed him as hard as I could in the gut.

A loud oomph escaped him. I swung around and punched him as hard as I could in the face.

"Get her in here!" Daryl screamed.

Oh, hell no! There was no way I was getting back into the car. As Jack reached for me I kicked him in the groin, and then sprinted around him, making a mad dash for the door to the store. I nearly collided with a man who was exiting the store, ignoring the startled look on his face as I pushed my way past him and into the store. My gaze flew to the counter, where I met the slightly rounded eyes of the cashier. It was apparent that she'd been watching the whole thing through the window and didn't know how to react. I nearly flew to the counter, grasping it as if it were a lifeline.

"I've been kidnapped!" I said in a breathless voice. "Please, call the police!" I glanced nervously at the door and beyond, frightened that I was going to see Jack and Daryl coming after me. I almost sank to the floor with relief when Jack jumped into the Camaro and the car squealed away from the pump. "Oh my God! Oh my God!" Realizing that I'd really escaped, I let my legs collapse beneath me and I hit the floor, gasping for breath.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against the counter, letting it sink in that I was actually free. Tears of relief escaped my eyes. I hoped that Daryl got what he deserved, that this Wicked biker he owed money to beat the shit out of him. No, that wasn't good enough. I wanted him dead for what he’d done to Della. I wanted him dead for what he’d tried to do to me.

"Do you still want me to call the police?" I heard the voice above me ask.

What? She hadn't called them yet? Was she dense? "Of?" I stopped myself. My only concern in that moment was to get back to Della. Thinking of the possibility that she was still at my apartment, alone and afraid, hurting, I knew that I had to get back to her immediately. Getting the police involved would only complicate and prolong things, and I didn't have the time or the want to answer a hundred questions right then. Besides, once they became involved with Della's attack they would be after Daryl anyway.

I made a decision. "No, no cops. Can I borrow your phone?" I got to my feet. She handed it to me and I dialed Stevie's number.


"Stevie, it's me?"

"Oh my God, Ginger! Where are you? We've all been so worried, honey. Rebel, Vinny, people, are look?"

"I managed to get away," I said, interrupting her. I couldn't explain how it made me feel to know that Rebel was looking for me. It occurred to me that if they were looking for me, then they had to know about Della. My heart raced with hope. "Della?"

"She's in the hospital, honey. Rebel found her."

Thank God! Everything drained out of me in that moment as relief overwhelmed me. "Is she okay?" Nothing else mattered at that point.

I didn't miss her slight hesitation before she said, "That pig did a lot of damage to her, but the doctors say that she will pull through. I'm here at the hospital with her now. Ginger?" Stevie had lowered her voice as if she didn't want to be overheard. "You didn't call the police, did you? The boys want to handle this."

I had a good idea which 'boys' Stevie was referring to--Rebel and his friends, and maybe even Vinny. Vinny had spent a little time in prison once for handing out his own justice. He'd hunted down Stevie's rapist and had turned him into a vegetable. That had been right before they'd become involved with each other.

"No, I didn't." I was suddenly glad that I hadn't. "Do you think someone can come get me? I'm at a Circle K across from some hospital." I glanced at the quiet cashier. "Where am I?"


"I know where you are," Stevie remarked, overhearing the girl's answer. "I used to live there. Stay put. Someone will be there."

"Not you, stay with Della. I don't want her alone."

"Okay, honey."

We disconnected after that. I handed the phone back to the cashier, mustering up a smile that I didn't feel inside. "Thanks."

"Is everything okay?"

I knew that it was her attempt to find out what was going on. I nodded, praying that she let that be the end of her curiosity. I had no idea how long I'd have to wait, glancing out the door to see that a couple of the pumps were full. One vehicle was a construction truck full of men. The doors opened, and they all plowed out while one went to the pump. As they headed toward the door I tugged my boy shorts down as much as I could, feeling self-conscious in my lack of attire.

"Follow me." I didn't question the cashier, following her to the back. "We have a tiny break room back here where you can wait for your friends."

"Thanks." I glanced around at the pitiful lounge area. It was filthy, and there was trash lying everywhere. The table didn't look like it had ever been cleaned.

"No one cleans up after themselves, but at least it's a place to sit and wait."

I smiled at her. "It's perfect, thanks again."

Once she left I sank down into one of the chairs and released a long breath. My nerves were shot. So much had happened in such a short amount of time, and I was exhausted. The stress of the situation had caught up with me. I crossed my arms on the table top and lay my head down on them, hoping that I didn't have long to wait before someone showed up.