Page 51 of Ruthless

Chapter 20


At some point I must have dozed off, because when I opened my eyes the room seemed darker than it had before. I jolted awake, opening my eyes and raising my head to see Rebel standing in the doorway. He'd come for me! I didn't know how long he'd been standing there, watching me, but I got to my feet and rushed to him, throwing myself against his solid length. His arms came around me tightly, his hand clenching tightly in my hair as he crushed me against him. I was immediately engulfed with the familiar scent of leather and warm man, and the feeling of being safe.

It was really over.

"If I get my hands on him, he's dead," he muttered against my ear. I had no doubt that he meant what he said. "You hurt?"

I shook my head and pulled back slightly to meet the churning emotions in his eyes. "I'm okay. How is it you're here? I thought you had a job to do." It felt so good to be in his strong arms. I didn't want to leave.

"It's done. We had just finished up when I got Stevie's message. I headed straight here." His hands glided over me as if he was searching for injuries, or maybe trying to convince himself that I was real.

"She told me Della is in the hospital. I need to go to her."

He nodded. "We'll stop at your place first so you can get cleaned up. You might want to put some shoes on."

I laughed softly at that. I couldn't help it. I knew that I looked a wreck. "And some clothes?"

His gaze dropped down my body, turning hot. "You'll never hear me complain about your lack of clothes, baby. But I think the hospital might draw the line if you show up in the little bit that you have on and no shoes." He rested his forehead against mine. I wanted, needed, his kiss, but I was too afraid to take it. "You ready to get out of here?"


Without warning he stepped away and removed his cut. Next he pulled off his t-shirt and handed it to me without a word. Smiling in the face of his consideration, I gratefully slipped it over my head as he slipped his cut back on. It was difficult not to stare at his defined abs and bulging biceps. Rebel's amazing body drew my eyes there naturally.

He took me by the hand. "Come on."

As he led me out to his bike, I noticed that another biker was parked next to Rebel’s, sitting on his bike, but I barely gave him a second look. It was obvious that he was waiting for us. The next thing I knew I was on the back of Rebel's bike, holding on tightly as he took us onto the interstate. I kept my head down, my face against the back of his shoulder as the wind whipped over us. I closed my eyes. If it had been any other time and I would have enjoyed the thrill of being on the back of his bike, riding against the wind, going full throttle. In this moment I was just happy to be free and with Rebel. No matter what happened now, I knew that I could count on him to keep me safe.

Every few minutes Rebel would reach down and cover my hands with one of his and give a squeeze, as if to reassure me that everything would be okay. It was an intimate gesture that made me wonder if he had feelings for me, deeper than just those of a man who was protecting someone who owed him money. Rebel wasn't the kind of man who revealed his feelings. He was a hard man, not someone you'd want to cross, but definitely someone you would want on your side.

I sensed that someone was moving up beside us and I opened my eyes, turning my head. Another biker had moved up next to us in the other lane. He and Rebel acknowledged one another with hand gestures, and then the biker dropped back slightly. Another one appeared on the other side of us, startling me, until I realized that they appeared to be friends of Rebel’s, as they, too, greeted each other in the same way. The first rider who'd been back at the gas station remained in the front, leading the way. I thought that they might leave us once we exited the interstate, but the three men flanked us the rest of the way home.

Rebel came to a stop and turned off his bike, reaching back to help me off. He remained sitting, reaching deep into his pocket for something. His friends pulled up close and also shut their bikes down, remaining quiet yet observant as Rebel handed me a key.

"I'll wait for you here," he explained.

I took the key, my gaze moving over the three quiet men as they sat relaxed on their bikes. Their expressions were neutral, watchful, yet the look in their eyes seemed friendly enough. The one who'd been waiting for us outside the Circle K I recognized from the bar. He’d been there with Rebel and Jace. He was a brute of a man, his square-jawed face looked carved in stone. If I hadn't been with Rebel I would have been frightened of him, of the air of quiet menace that he gave off. He was not someone I would want to encounter in a dark alley.

I vaguely wondered where Jace was. The other two bikers, while both big and handsome in their own rights, didn't affect me in the least. I got the impression that they were waiting for me to leave so that they could talk. One lit a cigarette, while the other one crossed his arms and relaxed back on his seat.

"Thank you." I received the typical head nods of acknowledgement, and one even cracked a smile.


Rebel's softly spoken endearment drew my attention back to him. He nodded sharply in the direction of my apartment, the grin on his mouth softening his silent command. Wordlessly, I turned and walked away, conscious of the eyes following me until I'd unlocked my door and disappeared inside.



I wasn't the only one who watched Ginger walk away. It was hard not to with the expanse of creamy legs that was exposed beneath my t-shirt that she was wearing. The sexy swing of her shapely ass against the thin material was another bonus that drew my eyes to the enticing mounds. She was visually stimulating, but that wasn't the only reason I couldn't take my eyes off her. I wanted to make sure she got inside her apartment okay.

"You got a pretty woman, brother."

I swung back to Tanner, grinning like a cocky bastard. "No arguments here," I said. "Thanks for the security ride."

He shrugged. "We had just about reached the Kings clubhouse when Vinny called and told us that Ginger was free and you were on your way to get her. Didn't take long for us to catch up to you."