Chapter One
I toss the self-help book I’ve been reading onto the nightstand and flip onto my side, reaching behind to rub the center of my back in downward strokes. What I really need is one of those pregnancy massages, not self-help, though everyone I know seems to think that these books are amazing. The author of‘Life for Idiots’says that I shouldn’t let my emotions get in the way of making decisions, and that I should remove myself from situations that I logically know won’t work before they tailspin out of control. Apparently, that’s called ‘taking charge of your life’or something. Maybe the answer tohowis the next chapter. All I really know is that right now, I’d kill for a pair of big, rough hands rubbing my aching body down.
My clit throbs at the thought of a man touching me everywhere.
What is it about pregnancy that makes your body ache for release? Before I became unceremoniously impregnated, I assumed that all the women with big pregnant bellies were in a phase of life where they wouldn’t want to be touched. Yet here I am, thighs aching, clit twitching, nipples buzzing at the slightest breeze or thought of a big, bearded, inked-up pair of boots.
I’m not okay, and I don’t think a self-help book is going to cut it anymore.
I reach for the phone and dial my brother Chevy. Chevy, my friend Jovie, and one of my bosses are the only three that officially know about the pregnancy.Unofficially, my friend Abigail asked me about my eating habits last week. Apparently, it’s not normal to down a cheese pizza and a box of cupcakes in one sitting, then still be hungry for more. But if we’re being honest right now, I’ve had nights that were in the same genre before.
My brother finally answers. “You alright?” His tone is overly concerned, and I feel bad because he’s busy doing real-life, grown-up things and I’m about to bitch about our mother again.
“I’m fine.” I’m lying, but we both know that. I need him to ask me at least three times before I’ll tell him what’s really going on.
“You don’t sound great,” my brother groans. “What’s wrong? Let’s cut the shit today. I’m busy.”
“But I like going in circles. It’s what keeps me entertained.” I laugh, but he doesn’t seem as amused. He doesn’t need to be. Truthfully, I’m exhausted with myself lately.
“Right.” He groans again as he says, “What’s up?”
I sigh and rub my hand over my stomach as I lean up from the bed and waddle into the kitchen for a cup of not so caffeinated coffee. “Well, I’m exhausted. I can’t believe I have to work today, and Mom’s wedding is almost here.”
“Yeah, that’s a lot. You’re still going with that guy, right?”
“No,” I laugh, though it’s not a ‘ha ha’laugh. It’s more of a pathetic, rhetorical kind of laugh. “He’s not for me. You sure you can’t be there?”
“Wish I could.”
“Do you really, though?” I sigh. “I’d rather be sent overseas right now than deal with all the family drama about to go down.”
“Which is why you should bite the bullet with this Charlie guy. He’s fine. One date isn’t going to kill you, and Mom will be so busy marrying the love of her life she probably won’t even notice who you came with.”
I laugh. “Then maybe she won’t notice I came alone and pregnant.”
He laughs, harder this time. “Oh, she’lldefinitelynotice that. When was the last time you saw her?”
“Four months ago. I keep making up excuses not to go over there. I’ve seen her in the store, but I avoided her. I’m going to call the president personally and tell him your official orders should be homeward bound.” My brother and I grew up in different worlds. He’s a lot older than me and when our dad left, he was more a father figure to Mira and I than a brother, though I’m not sure he’s happy about that role. Sometimes, I think I stress him out. I mean, right now he’s in a war zone. He doesn’t have time for this.
“I wish. Good thing my official orders are to be home by the time my sister gives birth. I’m out in three more weeks. Hold on until then. I think that’s why they scheduled it. It was that or this Christmas thing that’s coming up.”
I drag in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Chevy has spent his entire adult life in the military, and we’ve all learned to accept the fact that he isn’t going to attend every family function or be there when something major happens, but he always finds time for us, even though it’s ridiculous most of the time.
“I’m going to call Charlie and give him the green light,” my brother continues. “Mom is a pain in the ass, and I’d feel better if you had a buffer. She won’t start shit with a man around.” As sad as that is, it’s true. Mom has always respected men and their opinions far above women. I can’t figure out if it’s an old-fashioned thing or if she really believes men are superior. Either way, it makes me sick.
That said, I’d still love to show up with a guy like Charlie. He’s tall, hot as hell, covered in tattoos, and he has a no-nonsense attitude about him that has me wanting him to fuck me anywhere. On a train, in a plane, until I’m insane. He can Dr. Seuss the hell out of me any time he wishes. Unfortunately, he’d have to refrain from talking and also erase the part where he’s my boss.
“Oh yeah? And what about the part where I work for him? Last I checked, dating your boss was frowned upon.”
“You’re not marrying the dude. You’re going to one event together, and from what I know about Charlie, he’s a good guy.”
The few interactions I’ve had with Charlie have all been fine enough, but at work, he likes things done perfectly. Does that translate to dating?Will he call me out if my lipstick is smearing? Will he insist I change my clothes if they’re wrinkled?Will he send me back inside to fix my hair if it’s a mess?“Yeah, I’d rather take the abuse that’s coming from Mom.”
“Seriously?”I can almost hear my brother’s eyes roll. “Mom is reckless for the sake of recklessness. And I love you, Mariah, but you’re soft. You’ll crack like an egg. By the way, what’s Mira doing? Can you two band together?”
“She met some guy online last week and asked him at the last minute.” This is the third internet guy my sister has brought to Rugged Mountain this year. Every one of them is worse than the one before. She says this one is a keeper. Something tells me that’s not true.