“Wow, I really need to get home. Everything is going to hell.”
“See, told you. Besides, Mira has the biggest mouth. Unless I want my pregnancy news all over Rugged Mountain by morning, I’m keeping my secret close.”
“Would it be that bad? They’re all going to know in a few weeks anyway. You could use the support, assuming you’ve finally made a decision.”
“I have. This little crotch goblin is mine. I’m officially about to be un-datable and un-fuckable all at once.”
“Okay, this is where I check out. Have a good day at work. I’ll try to call you by the end of the week, but no promises. We’re out a communication range soon. Please take Charlie to the wedding. It’s an order.” His voice darkens as though he really believes he can command such a thing.
“I think we both know me better than that, big brother. I don’t take orders. Love you, though.”
“Love you, too. Be safe.”
“I will.” I disconnect the line and stare at the steaming cup of coffee on the counter. While I’d love to show up at this event with a guy like Charlie and show my mother men,handsome men,are actually interested in me, it’s way too complicated.
I guess it’s back to imagining myself blindfolded while his big, strong hands have their way with me to pass the time.God, what have I become?
I shake my head and set my coffee onto the counter before grabbing my keys. My boss isn’t an option.End of Story.
Chapter Two
“We’ve got a heavy snow moving in and double the customers we had last year at this time. We need to cut more trees.”
“You’ve already cut forty. Let’s see if those sell first.” At this point, I usually start wondering why we don’t have defined roles. If my brother Gabe knew he was in charge of the cashiers, for instance, maybe we could avoid all this annoying micromanagement.
“I’ve got it,” I groan. “Stay in front of the house. That’s your job.”
“My job is to make sure we don’t go under. You’re cutting down too much product and that’s a fuckin’ problem. I gotta tell you, man, everyone is thinking it.”
I know everyone is thinking about it because I’m hearing about it non-fucking stop. I blow out a heavy breath and roll my shoulders back in an attempt to relax, but it’s no use. I’m agitated, and once I’m agitated, the day snowballs from one avalanche to the next.
“I’m cutting extra trees to stay ahead of the rush this weekend, unlessyouwant to be cutting during the storm?”
Gabe sighs and runs his hand down over his beard. “You going to get that call? It’s been vibrating in your pocket for a minute now.”
I toss the balsam into the back of the truck and reach down, feeling over the denim with my work glove for my pocket. I don’t answer calls during work hours. It’s one of those old man things that I’ve kept up with, like my father. He hated cell phones and commonly talked about how they were the problem with society. I can’t say he’s wrong. I know they’re helpful in some ways, but being constantly available is more of a burden than an asset. That said, here I am, looking to see who’s calling me mid-workday. It’s probably a fucking salesperson. The spam calls are out of control lately.
Surprisingly, it’s not spam. Well, not technically. It’s Chevy. We don’t talk much, but we met a few years back when he was on leave. This back road I was driving was extra shitty one day, and I lost two tires simultaneously on a hidden, downed tree branch. On my long walk back to civilization, Chevy just so happened to be in the same area hunting and offered me a ride back into town. I’d probably still be walking if he hadn’t come along. We’ve remained casual friends since. I guess now he wants the favor returned.
“I told you, man. If she asks, I’ll go. I’m not pushing anything on her.”
“She’s never going to ask, and I don’t have much time out here. I just need you to look after her, man. My mom likes to pick on the girls. I don’t know what her problem is. Mariah always got the worst of it. She’s pregnant, all stressed out, and she has no one. Please.”
“That sucks, but I don’t wanna get in the middle of it. Plus, I’m her boss. It’s weird. There are hundreds of available old fucks with mom repelling attitudes around here. I’m sure you know a few. Call one of them.” I hate being so blunt, but spending time with Mariah is asking for trouble. She’s pretty as a peach and right now she’s needy as fuck. Those two things aremy kryptonite. There’s something about a woman that lets you take care of her. A woman who lets a man be a man.
“I don’t know a lot of folks in town. I’ve lost a lot of connections over the years being out here. Honestly, you and your brothers are the only guys I still talk to, and I’d like to know Mariah was looked over by somebody I trust. I can pay you back when I get into town.”
“Can’t do it. Sorry, man, but it’s too much right now. You ever need help with the house or anything, give me a ring. Until then, keep safe out there.” I disconnect the line before he has a chance at rebuttal. It’s a dick move and there were probably better options, but it wouldn’t take much to talk me into a night with Mariah, and I know for a fact what an awful idea that is.
Still, though, I feel bad for not helping Chevy out. He’s picked up the pieces after what happened with his dad, and though I’ve never heard him bitch about it, I’m sure he feels the weight of it all.
I chew the inside of my cheek and grab another tree from the pile before hauling it into the back of the truck.
Gabe is on my ass immediately. “What was that about?”
“Nothing. Mariah’s brother is begging me to go to some wedding with her as a beard. She’s got some family shit going on.”