Mind made up, he walked back over to the doorway and stepped through. Standing a few feet behind her, he cleared his throat.Okay, let’s break the rules this one time.

She couldn't understandwhy she had told him she needed time. She'd been waiting months for him to return home to her, to do exactly what they'd done. Her body still ached delightedly in contentment. Her mouth still slightly tingled from the fierceness of his kisses.

Yet, she was afraid. After so many months, she had wanted him home, but with every day that had passed without him, she'd worked on steeling off her emotions toward him. It was the only way she could cope because she'd lost hope that he was coming back. It felt so much like he'd picked someone else.

Had he just let her finish, she would have explained to him her reservations. She'd been interested in simply waiting the time out. But after him leaving her? No, she wanted something permanent. She'd been given the opportunity to see her life with and without him, and she hadn't been okay with the without. She'd needed to talk to him, it was a big decision.

“You're a dumb ass. He was proposing. He had clearly thought about how it was going to work, and by pissing him off, he pulled back and smelled Dale. Whatever the fuck that means.”

More tears fell and slid down her cheeks to the carpet. She'd been opening and closing the ring box and had finally taken the beautiful ring out. It was so different than Derrick's had been. So big, she was embarrassed to wonder where he’d gotten it. The diamond was cut like a heart and rubies were set into the entire band. Red for war, she supposed, or love maybe.

She heard someone behind her and leaped up, the box was accidentally tossed out the bedroom door into the living room. “Stryder!”

Her eyes narrowed as she turned and saw the man in the trench coat behind her. “Oh fuck no. Get out.” She raised her hand to open a doorway. Why, she didn't know, because she knew she couldn't move him.

“Ciara, wait. I am normally unable to interfere. I did that twice. I helped you find someone to assist you with your powers, and I told you a message about Stryder when I shouldn't have.”

“Oh, yes, you're so fucking benevolent. Except you were so damn vague about Stryder not being dead, all I thought about was him hating me.” Electricity crackled around her skin, it seemed that was what happened when she got angry—electricity.

She felt something wash over her and the sparks dancing over her stopped.

“Really, Ciara, I am a thousand times more powerful than you, do not seek to threaten me. Rather stop your crying and answer a question for me.”

“Why? When's the last time you fucking did that for me when I had one? When I needed it?” venom rolled through her words. She wondered if she really couldn't take him down. If he was so powerful, it would make her feel good to try, even if he hurt her because maybe Stryder would sense it and come back.

“Because I have a proposal for you if your answers are correct.” He smirked at her and crossed his arms over his chest. “And because I just answered your second question, you really can't win.”

“Fucking smart ass.” She was annoyed, but he was the only person who held all the cards in her life. “Fine, I'll take your test.”

He laughed again, and she slowly realized that the sound was actually quite nice. She found herself wanting to know more about him since she didn't even know his name.

“It is not a test, Ciara. Calm down. If I offered you a way to be with Stryder right here and now, consequences be damned, would you want it?”

She hesitated again. If he was all-powerful, he had to know her concerns. That meant he had a way around them, and all she had to do was say she didn't care what she had to do to get it. Chewing on her lower lip, she thought about being potentially indebted to a person with his power.

Wasn't she already, though, just because of her gift and his apparent control? However, wasn't it worth it to be with Stryder? What horrible thing could he possibly ask for? She'd murdered plenty, so really, what could be worse.

“You're not going to ask for our first born or demand I sleep with you, are you?”

His grin widened, and she felt foolish.

“No, nothing like that. It is not in my best interest to upset those that will fight for me when the time comes. So what is your answer?”

She answered without hesitation, “Yes. What do I need to do?”

He nodded, clearly pleased with her response, and she was annoyed at his silence after her declaration.

“This has never been done before. I don't know anything, except that you'll survive in some capacity. Do you want me to continue?”

Goosebumps broke out over her flesh. In some capacity? It didn't matter if it was her only chance, and if Stryder would have her, she wanted him. Always. “Yes, but maybe leave out the side effects.”

He chuckled. “A power transfer. You will give up your life here, your powers, and live in his world. You will not be able to call on anything you've learned. You will not be able to return here, ever. But you will be free of your gift and with Stryder, as you wish.”

“If I'm so powerful, why would you do this? Where would the powers go?”

“Because, if you are unhappy, you could switch sides. I mean no offense. It’s just simple human behavior. Pain leads to actions inconsistent with one's personality. I would transfer them to Dale, should he be willing to receive them. You are friends, and he knows how you control them. It should help him, and I am convinced he is not a liability after all.”

His words washed over her. His offer did as well. Her skin bristled as she thought. What did she have here? A job at a bookstore, a handful of friends and no family. But in his world? She'd have a big family and him. Did she really care if she wasn't a pawn in some stupid game? No, she didn't. To never feel the pain of losing another Guardian as well? Perfect. She knew Dale wouldn't turn it down. She'd seen the envy in his eyes and knew, with her powers, he would make something truly great of himself.