“Do it.”
He nodded, a tight, terse action, but he accepted it. “Let me speak with Dale. If he agrees, you will tell Stryder, and then we can proceed if all parties accept.” He turned to leave and looked over his shoulder. “I will miss you, but happiness should always come first.” Without another word, he stepped through his doorway and closed it.
“Damn, I was hoping to get a peek at where he is from.” She just stood there, unmoving. “I have to tell him!” Quickly opening the doorway to Stryder’s mansion of a house, she paused. Damn bathroom. Annoyed at the delay, she dashed into the bathroom without closing the doorway to his world.
She heard a slight noise while she was washing her hands and dismissed it. The walls weren’t the thickest in the apartment, and it was most likely her downstairs neighbors again. Staring into the mirror for a moment, she took a deep breath and pushed open the bathroom door, anxious to get to the doorway she’d opened and to her mate.
She didn’t see it coming as she smacked into a person waiting outside the door. She didn’t feel anything as the needle slammed into her neck, but her scream echoed in her sparsely furnished room. She vaguely acknowledged that hands wrapped around her before she gave way to the darkness.
Stryder crushedthe tip of his cigarette into the desk. His gaze flicked over the screens that watched the entrance to his home. He'd been alternating between that, pacing and ranting for the past forty-five minutes.
“How can she not fucking know? I mean seriously, is it a challenging question? I told her I loved her, she said she loved me too. The next Gods be damned step is for her to accept me and come be my bloody wife!” He flicked the cigarette into the trash can next to him and cleared his throat to get his brother’s attention. The male had been doing nothing but watching him, and it was beginning to piss him off. What was the point of having a brother if he was going to be worthless?
Demarcus looked at him and stood up. “You came to me for advice right? So stop the fucking pacing and listen to me.” Demarcus punched him in the arm to get his attention when Stryder didn't bother to stop pacing and look at his brother. “Put something on before I'm forced to listen to you freak out about realizing your ass is naked and flabby.” He chuckled.
Stryder wanted to deck him right there. “This isn't a joke, man. I have to do this perfect. And perfect didn't include her not saying yes.” He ran a hand through his hair. “She's been so fucking patient her whole life, waiting for something to finally be real. Then I come crashing in, sweep her off her feet and disappear for weeks after we are summoned. Weeks!” Stalking from the security area, he threw the door open to his room. As it crashed into the wall, he winced.
Fuck, this is a mess. Just like the beginning. All he'd wanted was to make her his. No Initiative bastards, no demons, just him and her together. He felt Demarcus walk up behind him before the smack to the back of his head. His hand went to his head. “What the—?”
“As I was saying, you asked for advice, fucking sit still so I can give it.”
Stryder stopped for a split second and then went on to grab a baby blue button down from the closet and slip it on, his fingers fumbling to button it.
“You look like a damned pussy, man. Knock it off! She just needs some time. You just said it. You vanished after saying I love you. Can you blame her?”
He heard the words and couldn't think of anything better than shoving his brother’s own damned hand up his ass. “Too bad you'd fucking like it,” he muttered under his breath and just shook his head when Demarcus looked at him. “Remember what it was like to know you had a mate? That you weren't going to be alone, even if this is all just a dumb book? Well, that's what this shit feels like. I just want her to know I'm sorry for being such a useless ass.” Finally getting the shirt buttoned, he grabbed a white silk Armani suit from the closet and walked back out to Demarcus as he stuck his legs somewhat aggressively into the pants and slid his arms into the jacket.
He turned to Demarcus, who merely shrugged.
“Damn it, where is Fasheem when I need him?” His younger brother had always had an eye for fashion, for assimilating to the world around them. He wanted to be vain, to look so good when he saw her next that she drooled. He had overreacted, and he needed to talk to her. She'd been trying to tell him something, and he'd let his warlike temper get in the way. How she put up with him was nothing short of a miracle, must be his angelic blood charming her.
Demarcus smirked and sat down on the bed.
Stryder knew he didn't have all night. Demarcus wasn't off patrol and listening to him cry like a teenager probably hadn't been on his list of post patrol plans. They were stuck on a rotation until heaven and hell were done with their current pissing match, and a night off was rare until all the damage from the balance shift was erased. He knew that, after all, he'd used his last night to propose.
“Fuck.” He finally stopped pacing around the room when he slipped into white leather loafers and sat on the edge of the bed to lace them up.
“Bout time, man. Now if you're done bitching my ear off like a little girl, I've got shit to do that doesn't include holding your hand while you go to the bathroom.”
Stryder stopped lacing his shoes and glared.
“Good, now listen. Your female loves you. You're a slick dresser and look handsome as shit. Whatever over the top candles and violin playing gesture you did last night is enough. Chill the fuck out.”
Stryder's eyes flicked black, and Demarcus punched him in the nose.
“Can I go now?”
A loud laugh burst out, and he clapped Demarcus on the shoulder after his brother was done with his own rant. “Sorry, man. It's just, she makes me want to be better still.”
When Demarcus opened his mouth, he held up a hand.
“Save it, Brother. I already know what you're going to say and that shit just doesn't seem like enough when dealing with your mate.” He stood and grabbed a box out of the nightstand again. “Okay, okay you've done your part, now get outta here. I'll just sit here and wait like some pathetic fucking puppy dog for her to answer or pick another damned Guardian.”
The thought filled him with terror, and he barely noticed Demarcus leave the room as Ciara's scream pierced through his brain.
“The Initiative!”