Page 44 of Malcolm

“No, you are the one who doesn’t know whatI’mcapable of.”

He said as he suddenly stopped the truck, reaching out with his right hand; he placed his hand on the back of her head and gently pulled her closer, his green eyes nearly glowing with the heat he’d suppressed so far. “You are my life, and I want to claim you as mine.”

The minute the words left his lips, Eliza felt her heartbeat kick up a notch. The intensity in his eyes told her he wasn’t joking. She had felt the attraction between them, and she knew there was no one else she felt as close to. Malcolm had been a gentleman and handled her with kid gloves, but now, with him looking at her like she was a homemade dinner, and he was a starving prisoner, she could feel the heat between them.

“But—” he drew back, his hand falling away from her head. “I am patient and will wait till you’re ready.”

“Stop,” she said, reaching out to grab the collar of his shirt and pulling him close. “Don’t be patient.”

She whispered before she lifted her chin just so her lips could touch his. The scent of him, masculine and forest, filled her mind. He captured her lips, letting their noses brush against each other. His taste was fruity and clean. His lips told her who he was: dominant, demanding, and all-consuming. Her seat made a squeaking sound as he moved his hand, grabbing her by the waist.

Their lips played against each other; she felt as if she was flying. Her stomach tightened as her body demanded more, her fingers brushing along his arms. His skin was warm, making the palms of her hands tingle. She felt as if something was locking into place inside her, the vision of it melted away. Too fast for her to catch it.

She pulled back with a gasp; she stared into eyes that held fire-like burning emeralds. He stared at her like she was the answer to all his prayers. She sucked in a quick breath at it. “Y-you shouldn’t look at me like that?”

“And how am I looking at you?” he asked gruffly. She could feel the warmth of his eyes on her skin.

“Like, I’m the answer to your prayers,” she said, avoiding his eyes.

He reached up, gently grabbing her chin, and turned her so she looked at him. “You are.”

She bit her bottom lip; she couldn’t do this right now. Lowering her eyes, she pulled away from him. As she faced forward, she tried to say something to fill the silence, but it was impossible. Her heart was in her throat.

She wished she’d met Malcolm before she’d become this thing. This person, who couldn’t trust the things she saw and heard. Before her hands had become stained with blood, and her destiny became locked in the direction of vengeance.

Malcolm was a nice guy, but she couldn’t be any more than a passing fancy. The idea that he believed she was something more to him made her stomach hurt. She’d never truly believed in love, especially after being raised by a man like her father. All of those she’d tried to build something with had betrayed her. Though with Malcolm she didn’t feel like he’d do anything like her past boyfriend, instead he be the one who’d feel betrayed.

She swallowed, but there was nothing she could do about it. If she didn’t fulfill her side of the contract with the goddess, she wouldn’t be able to cut out the voices that screamed at her at night for blood and revenge. She had to do something, or her heart wouldn’t be able to bear the nightmares she ran away from.

So, she let the silence stretch between them.

It was for the better.


“He’s hiding something from me.”

Lanias looked up from the thick folder Tiller had handed her after she’d threatened to skewer him. “What makes you think that?”

“He keeps glancing at me in that way that irks my nerves, and then when I go to stab him, he doesn’t dodge,” Oye explained, as she casually juggled two short blades single-handedly, her eyes glowing a soft silver. She sat on a stool, one leg hanging down as she bit her lip in deep thought. “I first assumed he’d done something like give the kids some ice cream or sweets before bed, but nope. That wasn’t it.”

“He killed your father, maybe?” Lanias said, flipping a page in her book. “My money is on him having done that.”

The door cracked open; Sabina entered, a bag from a fast-food restaurant swinging from her fingers while she licked the ice cream in her other hand. “Same. He’s seeming like the type to kill family secretly.”

“Tsk, I was hoping that was it, but sadly, no. Dad’s still alive.” Oye suddenly frowned, dropping her hand; the two daggers stopped midair and melted. Twisting into two flat circular disks. “I think it’s something he hasn’t told me. He’s frustratingly blunt; nine times out of ten, I have to take his tongue for him to shut up. So, for him to be closed lip all of a sudden is a fucking red flag.”

“Maybe Tiller’s asked him to do something he can’t tell you about,” Sabina suggested as she dug into the fast-food bag, pulled out what looked like fried pickles, and dipped them into the ice cream in her hand, tossing the ice cream coated friedpickle into her mouth she released a moan of pleasure. “God, I’m so glad to have normal cravings again.”

Oye nose wrinkled. “What was it before?’

“Raw meat,” Lanias answered for her, as she gave a mock shiver. “It was horrifying, I felt for my poor niece. She would barely seer the steak, and then the most horrifying part was watching Raijin watch her eat. The man damn near sighed when she licked her blood coated fingers.” She shuddered. “It was sickening to watch.”

“Shut up; you’re the one who pushed me to come over for dinner," Sabina groused as she dipped another pickle into her ice cream. “And I’ll have you know, Raijin is awesome. He’s been amazing with Kahlia.” She pressed a hand to her rounded belly, which was more pronounced now. “I just hope this child understands that mommy cannot carry a giant to term.”

Lanias snorted, lowering her sharp eyes to her sisters’ hips. “Well, it may be possible with how you’re eating.”

“Lanias,” Oye snapped.