“I only wish to reinforce her hopes,” Lanias said as she scooped up the file and stood. “Now, excuse me while I go meet our favorite rodent.” She walked around the desk into oblivion. Disappearing from sight.
Oye sighed. “You know your sister, she’s not for speaking delicately. She and my fiancé share that common trait.”
Sabina scoffed. “Something about overpowered beings always leaves one feeling like those born with great power naturally develop asshole-like traits.” She shrugged. “But she was trying to be nice, I guess. I can’t lie and say I am not worried about what would happen if my child were more ogre than a witch. I can’t change my shape or size like Raijin.” She smiled, though it shook slightly. “Lanias is just as worried.”
Oye hopped off her stool and walked over to her cousin, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Bina. We’re here for you, and nothing will happen while we’re here.”
Sabina took her free hand and laid it atop Oye’s. “Thank you, that makes me feel a lot better,” she said, offering her a smile. “Now, let’s think over what Castian could possibly be hiding. Being pregnant is more boring than I thought it would be. Especially since I’ve been banned from crafting.”
Hearing this made Oye quirk a brow in question.
Sabina shook her head. “You don’t want to know.”
Oye side-eyed her. “I guess you’re right.”
“So, the detective is dead, and all of the test subjects have been taken. And the only possible clue you or I could get to solve this issue is hidden in the middle of Werewolf territory with Malcolm. Whom you failed to inform me had acquired one of these damn test subjects?”
Tiller's voice carried through the room; sadly, it had little effect on the three fuckers who dared to stare at him like he was the crazy one. Tiller wanted to claw their eyes out. “Let me rephrase this,” he turned his focus on Raijin, “the singular clue that could help us find the people who kidnapped your fiancé and give us an inkling into the Lords plan, that we so far don’t have a single clue to is in the middle of fucking nowhere. In a place I can’t just waltz into because I have an itch for a dog.”
Raijin’s eyes narrowed, “Malcolm is not one to do something as dishonorable as to run off with the girl.”
“Oh, is that so?” Tiller said, his voice holding a wealth of sarcasm. “And yet, where is he?”
“He is currently in Tennessee, but in his defense you sent him there.” Castian cut in.
“Shut up, Castian,” Tiller growled, his golden eyes flashing. “You knew, and not only did you not report it but hid it from me. If it weren’t for the fact you’re still useful, I’d throw you back in the bowels.”
Castian blue eyes turned black as he smiled coolly at Tiller. “You could always try.”
Alek sighed, drawing everyone’s attention, though it was hostile in Tiller's case.
“The man isn’t weak if he has the female, he can learn the truth from her. Send a message to him, requesting he question her,” he said calmly. “Though, I cannot say if he will do it.”
“And why—wouldn’t he?” Tiller demanded; his teeth gritted as he tried to keep his calm.
“She’s his mate,” Alek retorted, flashing his teeth.
Tiller stared at him for so long that the three males weren’t sure he heard Alek. Then they heard something crack; looking down, they saw his claws embedded in the table. He withdrew his hand slowly. He licked his lips, “Raijin, send three of our men to Clarksville; if I recall correctly, that’s where one of the gates to the compound is.” Raijin back tensed at the hard tone of Tiller's voice, “Alek, I want you to send two shadows, one to Malcolm and the other to the female. The minute they enter the human world, I want to know.”
With that, he turned and exited the room. His best bet was to observe from a distance. The werewolf laws only allowed so many from the council within their territory.
He would wait for Malcolm to complete his task, and once the man was back, he’d tear into him.
Through the Veil
The silence changed from awkward to slightly lighter and less uncomfortable when they arrived at the compound. Being an only child, Eliza had never had a problem with lengthy silences, but when it came between her and Malcolm, she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t be the first to talk.
After the twenty-minute drive, she was nearly ready to ask something stupid about his appearance to get him to say anything, but she held back.
Now, as she hopped down from the truck and waited for him. She wondered if he was offended. Then she backtracked and called herself an idiot, of course, he was feeling some type of way. She’d basically thrown herself at him and then said, wait, I’m not ready.
If she weren’t currently in front of people, she’d give herself one good facepalm.
She was all over the place mentally; she needed to get herself together. How many times would she run in a circle with her thoughts? Malcolm was off limits. Period.