Lanias was looking for her?
She wasn’t anyone special; sure, she considered Sabina, her close friend, and she’d always felt welcomed by the Shade.
As friendships went, she’d felt Lanias was more an acquaintance than a close friend. “They don’t have any reason to be looking for me,” she said aloud before realizing what she said from how the men both looked at her. “I-I mean, I know Madame always looks out for witches in general, but I-I can’t go to them even if I want to. I’d only put them in danger, wouldn’t I?”
Alek shrugged, “Depends on which way the wind blows; you were in the lab of an enemy that we haven’t been able to pin down, so it isn’t completely impossible for them to attempt to regain you. Currently—” He sent a weighted look at Malcolm. “He’s the person that can take you out of Veil city, so that you don’t get caught.”
Malcolm scoffed. “I was going to do that, with or without my current assignment.” He narrowed his eyes on Alex, “Still, it doesn’t mean your threat will move me to act. I once fought for a status that didn’t belong to me; now, here we are. I was banished, lost my honor and my place in my pack.” He shook his head. “Even if the elders welcome me back to investigate the disappearances, they won’t allow me to challenge anyone.”
Alek hummed. “You never know, pup; they just might not have any choice. Rumor has it that the current Alpha in charge of your territory has been seen with a human. And you’re people have a very clear view of human and werewolf relations.” He brushed imaginary lint from his sleeve. “And with the way your fight disrupted your clan, it’s time they had not five but one clear leader. Don’t you think Malcolm?”
Malcolm frowned at his words.
“You don’t have to do anything for me,” Eliza said; she wouldn’t let him sacrifice himself to this degree for her. She knew she was being a hypocrite, but her search for the item tied to the goddess differed from what this piece of vampire waste was trying to do.
Malcolm looked down at her, and she sank into his gaze. Every time she looked into his eyes, she thought of the dark woods that used to line the estate of her family’s lands when she was a child. She’d always enjoyed exploring it, feeling like she was entering a magical plain filled with different creatures. And when they darkened like they did now, she could only imagine the color of grass when the sky grew grey. The neon green filled her head with dreams of moving to the woods just to see greener depths.
He lifted a hand and placed it gently on her shoulder. “It’s fine. His request isn’t wholly bad,” he said, turning towards Alek. “I cannot promise you I’ll be allowed to compete, but if they offer it, I won’t turn it away.”
Alek nodded, “I can agree to that. Now, is there anything I can do for you?” he asked, almost as if he already knew what he would ask him.
Malcolm looked back down at Eliza, who looked back up at him in confusion, “Transport, she needs to return to her apartment and get a few things.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, not wanting to be the reason he drew suspicion. “We can go to the human world; I have money to buy myself new things.” It galled her to use her father’s money, but she didn’t really have much of a choice in the situation.
He gave a shake of the head. “It’s fine.”
She sighed. Giving a nod she looked at Alek. “I want to ask you something.”
He lifted a single brow, but his eyes said he was listening.
“Can you not tell anyone from the Shade where I am?” she asked.
A part of her wanted to run back to the familiar club and the people there. But she was on another path. She had to avenge the witches who’d been murdered in cold blood for some megalomaniac's own ego. She’d been lucky so far no one hadquestioned her about her experience, she much rather not tell them.
“I don’t want them to be pulled into this situation, especially if someone is searching for me.”
Malcolm and Alek shared a glance over her head before the vampire looked back at her and gave a short nod. “I will tell no one of your existence.”
She released the breath she’d been holding and offered him a smile. “Thank you.”
He smiled back. “No problem.” A red mist rose and slowly started surrounding his body; Eliza released a yelp when the same dense red fog swallowed her. “Now, let’s get you your things.”
“Eliza,” she heard Malcom call; he sounded frantic.
“I’m fine,” she cried out as she felt the cold chill of wood at her feet.
When the cloud dissipated, she was standing in her bedroom; nothing had changed. Her books were still stacked under the computer, and her dirty laundry was still piled on her bed from when she’d been sure she’d come back to clean it. She released a shuddering breath; it was like she had never left.
“Hurry, my dear. I can feel a magical alarm has been set off in this room.” The vampire's voice pulled her from her reminiscing.
“Y-Yes,” quickly wiping the tears from her face, she got to work. Running to her closet, she jerked it open and grabbed her empty duffel bag. Grabbing the clothes that were hung up, she started stuffing them into the bag. When it was full, she reached up and grabbed another bag, moved over to her drawers, and pulled pants and necessities from it. Leaving it on the floor, she ran into her bathroom and took her cleaning items.
It took her 10 minutes, but she’d stuffed her two duffels with everything, even her passport. She’d grabbed both bags just as the red mist swallowed her again. The posters of Lauryn Hill andHarlequin disappeared from the site, and she felt her heart rip open once more. But she’d hold her tears back; she was doing this for the others.
She could deal with not being okay for a little longer; once she fulfilled her purpose, she’d return to her old world. She would, she promised herself.