Page 16 of Malcolm


The minute Eliza disappeared Malcolm felt his anxiety stir, and panic pressed on his chest like an anvil. He knew that she was fine with Alek, and he knew that the damn vampire wouldn’t let anything happen to her. But the minute she’d left he’d felt the wolf in him stir to life and lash at his consciousness. He pressed his fingers to his temple; it had been a long time since his wolf had reacted in such a way.

Since his banishment, he’d been living as half of himself. His strength and sharp senses remained, but when he normally would have changed, he didn’t. His wolf refused to show itself; then again, wolves were known for their pride, and he’d had his stepped all over.

In an effort to refocus his attention, he walked into the bedroom. Going to his closet, he pulled the doors open and, bending slightly, he reached for a small box that was hidden in the back corner of it. He’d been honest with Castian when he’d said he refused to live his life like it had no meaning. At least that’s how he’d wanted to live, but it had been hard fighting day by day to not lose his hope for a better life.

Staring at the closed box, he shook his head and returned to the closet, grabbing the bag from the corner. He began to pack his clothes and other items into it. He couldn’t yet accept that he had lucked out; he was afraid that at any minute, everything thatwas happening to him would be proven to be nothing more than a dream.

After finishing packing things, he glanced back at the little box on the bed. Part of him said to leave it, but the other part of him, the part of him who wanted to take bold strides towards the better future that Eliza’s existence promised, reached for the box and placed it in his bag.

Zipping it, he set the bag on the bed and made his way to the kitchen. His stomach was rumbling, just as he entered the kitchen he found Eliza walking towards him. Two duffel bags looped over both shoulders; she was breathing heavily and looking a bit frazzled.

Worried, he went to her side. “Are you okay?”

She smiled, and he reached out without thinking, brushing her hair from her face. “I’m fine,” she said, shrugging her right shoulder. I had only 10 minutes to pack everything. I hope I got as much as I could. Unfortunately, my apartment now looks like someone tore it apart.”

Reaching out, he grabbed one of the straps and pulled it from her. “Here, I’ll take this.”

She nodded. “Thanks.” Walking into his bedroom, he followed her, setting the bag on the floor.

She tossed her on the bed. “Is that all you are taking?” she asked suddenly.

He looked at where she was pointing to see his bag and grinned. “Yes, that is everything.”

“I feel weird having so many bags,” she frowned.

“Don’t feel weird, I have fewer things than most—most of us who live here in these apartments do. The one who has the most now is Raijin, but that’s because his fiancée and stepdaughter live with him now. Sabina filled it with furniture and had her sister magic more rooms.”

“What?” Eliza said, whipping around in shock. “Sabina is with one of your guys?”

He nodded, smiling at her shocked expression. “Yes, they seem to get along well.”

Eliza's jaw dropped before she seemed to catch herself and abruptly shut it, her teeth clicking together. “Well, it seems like everyone was super busy while I was away.”

He frowned.

Seeing his expression, she shook her head, giving him a sad smile. “I’m sorry, did that come out a little too bitter?” She sighed. “I don’t mean it to. I just thought it’s kind of fucked up how life keeps going even when someone's world is falling apart.” She glanced at him. “Surely you understand; it feels like I was just slapped with how cruel time can be.”

He remembered when he realized he would never return to his homeland. “I understand more than you know.” He turned away from her, not wanting her to see him upset. “If you’re hungry, I am going to cook something.”

There was a beat of silence. “Yeah, I could use something to eat.”

He left the bedroom, needing to put space between himself and Eliza. He could control himself as long as he felt no strong emotions, but seeing her sad made him want to reach out and comfort her. But he could do only so much before he told her the truth of what she meant to him.

For right now, he’d make something for them to eat while she got herself together for them leaving in the morning.

The Binding


Lanias stood in the center of Eliza’s destroyed bedroom; her eyes squinted in suspicion. The drawers were yanked out of the dresser, and the closet doors were ripped open.

It was clear that whoever had invaded this apartment had been in a rush. As she walked over to the window, she didn’t see anything broken; even the seal to protect against intruders, a cheap bit of magic most Dubs could do, was still in place.

She walked over to the closet, glanced at it, and frowned.

Hangers were strewn across the floor; she snapped her fingers. Every piece of furniture rattled before, and with a sullen groan, the walls released green particles of light.