A bolt of lightning shoots down my spine. The way he’s looking at me is just so… intense. “F-feel what?”

Riggs takes a step toward me, his gaze never leaving mine. “This. This thing between us.”

I watch his finger move back and forth between us like I can actually see thethinghe’s talking about. “I don’t… I don’t know.”

His feet, clad in Gucci loafers, bring him another two steps closer, and I take an involuntary step back until my back is plastered against the door. He’s so close, I can smell his seductive aftershave.

“Do you think about me when we’re not together, Libby?”

“I do,” I admit immediately, like the man is sucking the truth from my mouth with that deep voice. “I know I shouldn’t, but—” I can’t finish that sentence because I have no good excuse.

“I think about you too,” he murmurs, and I resist the urge to look around for a hidden prank camera. “All the time.”

Riggs places his forearms on either side of my head, caging me against the door. He’s not touching me, but I can feel his heat radiating against my body like he’s the sun.

“What kind of thoughts?” I ask breathlessly, and he leans forward until I can feel his breath whisper against my ear.

“I think of watching sunrises with you. I think of playing on the beach and laying in the sun and swimming in the water. I think of eating meals with you, taking you for a drive, and dancing in the moonlight.”

“I like those thoughts.” My voice sounds like I’m talking through a bowl of Jell-O, thick and quivery.

“And then I think of putting my hands on you. My mouth.” He hesitates, and my eyes close as he seduces me into a trance with the rough rasp of his voice against my ear. “All over you, Libby.”

Sweet baby Jesus in a rocking chair!This man sorely underrated himself in the dirty talk category. He hasn’t uttered a singlecock,pussy, orfuck, but he paints a provocative picture with his words and the gravel in his voice.

“Ohhh.” It’s a breathy moan, a single drawn-out syllable, but I think it gets the point across because he finally touches me. His forehead rests against mine, and we share the same breaths for a long moment.

“So, I ask you again. Liberty Hill, do you feel this thing between us?”

In answer, I lift one leg and hook it over his hip as my chin tilts forward a scant inch until our lips are touching. “I feel it,” I whisper, and in the next second, Riggs Romero is kissing me.

No, that’s not quite accurate. He’s fuckingconsumingme. His lips pull mine with perfect suction, over and over as he drops one hand to cup my face.

“I’ve been wanting to do this since the first time I saw you on that plane,” he says. “Since I caught you staring at my dick.”

“It was market research,” I argue, and he chuckles as his nose nuzzles mine.

“Did you get all the data you needed?”

Infused with an unexplained boldness, I purr against his lips, “Not yet.”

“Fuck,” he curses a second before covering my mouth with his own. His warm tongue parts my lips, and he takes a half step forward, closing the distance between us.

Heat infuses me as soon as our tongues make contact, circling tentatively at first, before engaging in an all-out battle for supremacy. He wins, hands down, taking control of the kiss. Of me.

I’m a limp noodle, held up only by the door at my back and Riggs’s big, hard body at my front. And he is hard ev-er-y-where. My hips jerk involuntarily, and we let out mutual groans as the firm ridge of him nestles exactly where we both need it.

His hips roll, and he’s far from tentative now. No, he’s dominant and powerful, sliding one hand to my knee that’s still wrapped over his hip and yanking my leg farther around him. I almost orgasm on the spot.

Riggs pulls his mouth away, his breaths ragged against my wet lips and his eyes showing the haze of lust. “I’m sorry, Libby. This isn’t what I came over here for. I just wanted to talk to you.”

“We talked,” I point out, nipping his bottom lip, and he groans. “Now, do you have more to discuss, or can we get to the good stuff?” I ask impatiently, digging the back of my bare foot against his butt and locking him to me.

His grin is slow and goddamn sexy as he circles his thick erection against my pussy. “I vote for the good stuff.”

“It’s unanimous then.”

Riggs trails his lips across my cheeks and to my ear. “You want me to fuck you, Libby-girl?” His hips thrust gently against my needy sex, and I nod.